Asia Dent в Павлодар

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КазахстанAsia Dent



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23, Бекхожина улица, 140000, Павлодар, Павлодар ауданы, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7182 62 43 91
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 52.2528415, Longitude: 76.9514565

Комментарии 5

  • Nazigul Zhetubayeva

    Nazigul Zhetubayeva


    I signed up to the surgeon for tooth extraction, explaining the whole situation to the administrator, wrote down on Sunday, arrived in a taxi, leaving my baby with my neighbors, and they say to me: “surgeons do not work on weekends!” What kind of dentistry is this, make an appointment, but they don’t come🙄 they can’t even warn about it

  • Игорь Чиханов

    Игорь Чиханов


    I called in advance that I had an X-ray, came on foot, at the reception, I said I was on X-rays, I said to buy shoe covers, bought, undressed, I had to hang clothes myself, they had all the greasy, dirty shoulders. He climbed to the top, said that the X-ray, asked to wait, sat for 5 minutes, called me. I went into the office, asked where the direction, I say that there is no, but I know for some reason I need to do an x-ray. In response to me: - anyone from the street can go in like this, and make an X-ray, I need a direction, get out of here! He says go to the doctor, for 500 tg he will make you a referral. And I realized that there is nothing to lose, just lure you from money, buy covers, do not buy the right direction. I still came not for thanking me for X-rays, but on a fee basis. I did not like the attitude to the clients, it was better to go to another dentistry, I had two, Dentos on Kutuzov 204, good dentistry there I liked everything, there was X-ray, the second Estedent Bekturova 109, I was there for the last time, and I really liked it, but there is no x-ray. A couple of months ago I was there, I made a tooth and said that the second one also needs to be done in the near future, but this requires X-rays. I do not advise going to Asia Dent, if you do not want to be lured out of you just like me, and it was only the beginning!

  • Kamar Karimova

    Kamar Karimova


    Our family doctors have been around for many years! Super professionals in their field.

  • снежана Захватошинма

    снежана Захватошинма


    Good doctors! Work at the highest level! Thank you so much!

  • Aruzhan Maksilova

    Aruzhan Maksilova


    Awful. I came for a consultation, recorded. When I found out the price I asked to do it later because it was expensive. At the end, the dentist said: "Do not make an appointment for a consultation, immediately see it!". What does he think everyone has money ?!

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