Avitsenna w Kökşetaw

Choroba koronawirusowa (COVID-19) Sytuacja

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156, Abay Street, 020000, Kökşetaw, Zerendi District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7162 72 33 33
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 53.2876282, Longitude: 69.4140914

komentarze 5

  • Жанат Онашев

    Жанат Онашев


    Not when in life. Neither go there, and even less call. 200% NOT UP TO CALL. operators hang up. Fire them all

  • Азиза Сермуханова

    Азиза Сермуханова


    No matter how many times I call, no one answers. Why specify numbers that no one answers. Ministry or something, straight everything is always busy. There is no fresh information on the service and price list on the official website.

  • Алена Волд

    Алена Волд


    You can get through, the reception is well served, of high quality. Yes, queues, but how without them, if there is such a great demand. Doctor Nimitkina T.P. wonderful. 5 stars honestly and deservedly. Supplement: a month has passed since I went to Avicenna to see Dr. TP Nimitkina, and I am already after the operation. I would like to recommend the Avicenna LPU. I underwent a complex operation, which was successful, ONLY thanks to highly qualified doctors. My doctor, my hero, Nimitkina Tatyana Petrovna! As long as I live, I will thank so much. Also, by name, I thank the doctors and nurses who monitored and contributed to my early recovery: Akhmedov K.K., Nikitina Yu.S., Blazhko A.V., Pasevich A.N., Yanel M., Kassenova Sh., Sharova N ., Kiseleva K. These are masters, professionals in their field. Thanks to such employees, Avicenna's healthcare facility is one of the best institutions in our northern part of the country. The conditions of stay are excellent, practically sanatorium (double rooms, functional beds, bedside mobile tables, panic button, TV, bathroom, calm interior, drinking water, ventilation), exceptional cleanliness and proper diet. Thanks to the chefs and technical staff for the quality approach to work. Thanks to the district clinic in the village of Saumalkol, I did not receive a quota for Avicenna, it was paid, but the prices are reasonable, and Avicenna is 87 km from the house, which facilitates travel expenses and saves valuable time. I don’t mind a single tenge for money! Sorry for my insurance premiums, which were not useful to me. But now it doesn't matter anymore. And health is important. All good!

  • Александр Медведев

    Александр Медведев


    Very good medical facility. Thank you very much to Dr. Ermolaev and the attendants (nurses are professionals) on the 5th floor, success in your hard work. THE FOOD IS VERY TASTY.

  • Rau. B.

    Rau. B.


    a terrible institution, 2 times I could not get to the allergist, the first time I went to call beforehand and asked if they had an allergist, they said yes, come with the registration coupons, I went and stood in a long queue and when my turn came they say that she’s not there, she’s with today on sick leave, okay I went for the second time from 07.30 I took a queue in front of me there were 9 people and of them only 2 people took a coupon to an allergist and when I came up they said that there were no coupons anymore, I ask you an allergist what 2 people a day takes chtoli, in general cashiers sit and distribute coupons for calls from their relatives and friends, and the rest are as lucky

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