Burger Time в Kostanay

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанBurger Time



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6J6Q+Q9C, Kostanay 110000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2119307, Longitude: 63.6383776

Комментарии 5

  • Сауле Омарова

    Сауле Омарова


    It's a pity for one star, a boor at the checkout, a long wait, they forgot to cook pizza. Disgusting

  • Happy Dragneel

    Happy Dragneel


    Work without gloves, order waited 40 minutes Going about their business during work, food without focus, it has never been worse

  • Санек Братышев

    Санек Братышев


    Burger from the microwave, no matter how they get sick

  • Галина Слободянюк

    Галина Слободянюк


    Poor service, they took 400 tenge for cappuccino, promised 200 milliliters in each glass. Poured 150 each. also brought from a neighboring department (strange movements) say thanks to my husband))) so I would pour a cappuccino on them

  • Dinara FUDI

    Dinara FUDI


    Horror !!!!! For the first time I come across such a disgusting attitude and service !!! The seller did not want to accept our order, repeating 5 times that there will be a long wait! I told her that we have time and we can wait! But anyway, she insisted on her own, saying that there was a great expectation !!! Then I asked her directly a question: “Do you want to accept the order?” To which I received the answer: “No, just a great expectation ...” We did everything- the same time order at 18:20 .... Let's go take a table, sit down and wait with the children for the appointed time to finally eat !!! But ....... There was nobody near the ticket office! We waited 10 minutes until someone alive heard us and came to us to give our order back! As a result, another saleswoman came out and immediately went to the cashier with a displeased face and threw us back: "We have there are no ingredients, so we will refund your money! "..... I and the hungry children are in shock ..... We waited 40 MINUTES so that in the end they would refuse us and not even apologize for the time spent and for the spoiled evening! I am polite I asked for a book of complaints and suggestions, but a surprise was waiting here too !!! ATTENTION !!!! They don’t have any books at all !!!!!! Now think a few al, is the expectation placed in 40 minutes, so that you remain hungry and in the end with a broken impression of this food court !!!

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