City Emergency Hospital в Almaty

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




КазахстанCity Emergency Hospital



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
96, Kazybek Bi Street, 050000, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7272 92 31 01
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2548802, Longitude: 76.9292852

Комментарии 5

  • Молдир Медетбекова

    Молдир Медетбекова


    I am being treated at the BSNP hospital, gynecologist Rustam Farhatovich, I am grateful to all the nurses. I wish you good health. Looks good.

  • Гульнар Жумакова

    Гульнар Жумакова


    I am currently undergoing treatment at your hospital. I would like to thank the doctor Abesov Arkabay Zhaksybaevich and all the staff of the emergency room and the department of gynecology for their professionalism, kindness, understanding, politeness !!! May Allah grant you good health in your hard work !!! 🙏🙏🙏

  • Камила Ибраева

    Камила Ибраева


    I want to thank everyone who saved my life - all the doctors, nurses, nurses of the 4th infectious diseases department of the GBSNP. From the first minutes, intensive treatment began, thanks to which the condition improved. The highest professionalism, constant care and kindness of all staff help each patient to recover. I thank everyone who helped me - this is the Chief Physician Dzhuvashev Almas Bolatovich, the Deputy Chief Physician for medical work Bapaeva Mariyam Kadenovna, the head of the department Ayaganova Lazzat Bazarbekovna, the head nurse Orynbaeva Nulgul Baudynbaevna, nurses, Sakhrazhanmaeva Zh. Narymbay Zhanyl, Serikbai Gulim, Tillabayeva Gulmira, all the orderlies and nurses. You saved me and I will never forget it. Your selfless work in such a difficult time evokes respect and admiration! I wish you all health, success in your noble work and may it all end as soon as possible.

  • Лаура Темирханова

    Лаура Темирханова


    I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and wholeheartedly thank the Best Doctors in their field - the Head of the infectious diseases department Baktiyar Myrzashevich Bekishov, the attending physician Alimzhanov Askar Khasimkhanovich of the "City Emergency Hospital" of Almaty city located at Kazybek bi 96, all the hospital staff, also a special gratitude admission department, who participated in the emergency medical care, treatment and care for me in the rehabilitation period. The head of the infectious diseases department Baktiyar Myrzashevich Bekishov, the attending physician Askar Khasimkhanovich Alimzhanov and the medical staff of the "City Emergency Hospital" of the city of Almaty are a close-knit team of professionals in their field and highly efficiently apply their knowledge and experience in modern methods of treatment. All medical personnel are really worried and treat their own, not quite healthy and very seriously ill patients with love. Deep gratitude to you for your knowledge of your business, saving lives, skillful hands, attentiveness, sensitivity, high professionalism and patience. I ask the Management of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Management of the City Hospital of Emergency Aid of the city of Almaty to especially note these employees, express gratitude and reward them as the best employees of the hospital. Thank you for your treatment, care and concern. Regards, your patient Usenbaeva Symbat Maksatovna - Mother of many children, Honored Teacher of Kazakhstan Regards, your patient Temirkhanova Aida Temirkhanovna - Mother of many children

  • Семён Шериязданов

    Семён Шериязданов


    Many thanks to the staff of the first inf department for the sensitive and attentive attitude of all staff! My wife and I are veteran doctors, we were treated for a severe form of Sovid, it was nice to see young nurses in spacesuits in difficult conditions selflessly doing their job, thank you !! Sheyazdanovy Almaty, August 2021

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