Dom Mamy в Kokshetau

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанDom Mamy



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
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79FC+Q4Q, Kokshetau 020000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 800 080-77-71
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2744641, Longitude: 69.3703603

Комментарии 5

  • Макпал А

    Макпал А


    This is my name is Aқerke

  • Жамбыл Минап

    Жамбыл Минап


    What should be said about such a home in Kazakhstan

  • As Kultasova

    As Kultasova


    on this place Not Mom's House anymore, they moved to another place, I don't know where, but if anyone is interested in this organization, look for contact numbers and address on the Internet. GOOD to everyone!

  • Камила Газиз

    Камила Газиз


    It was nice. The house is cozy and beautiful.

  • Руслан Жузенов

    Руслан Жузенов


    History It all started with the question: what to do so that in Kazakhstan all children live in families and grow up in love, rather than in institutions called the Children's Home? The first stage is to maximally prevent the abandonment of newborn children. At the initiative of Aydin Rakhimbayev (head of the BI-Group holding) and his wife, a network of crisis centers was created for women in late pregnancy and with newborn children who were in difficult life situations. The desire to reduce the number of orphans in the Republic of Kazakhstan has transformed into the opening of crisis centers for homeless mothers under the name Mom’s House in all regions of the country. In the “Mother’s Houses”, women who initially decided to abandon their child and thereby make a huge mistake in life will have time and opportunity to weigh everything and think it over, to feel the happiness of motherhood in an atmosphere of understanding. The idea of ​​the social project Mom’s House caused a wide public response and many Kazakhstani businessmen joined us. They became patrons of the project. The first to join the project was Dauren Zhaksybek, he finances Mom’s House in Kostanay and Petropavlovsk. In December 2013, the well-known entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan began working together to open Mom’s Home shelters across the country. Then the initiative took on real forms and the ANA ҮYІ Public Fund was registered Public Foundation “ANA YYI” is a charity project organized to prevent social orphanage and reduce the number of children who go to orphanages every year. The second stage is work with orphanages and potential adoptive parents. Developing the work on the prevention of orphanhood, we came to the need to establish Adoption Assistance Centers and adoptive parent schools, which will provide information and advisory services to the population on adoption issues. Today, Kazakhstan is reluctant to adopt orphans with diseases, and world experience shows that children with disabilities can be identified in families. Together with the charity foundation BI-Zhuldyzai, we also plan to treat children with various diseases in state-run children's institutions and provide assistance for their further adoption. Having a database of children and potential adoptive parents, we will be able to facilitate the early placement of children from orphanages in Kazakhstani families. We are sure that we will see the results of work in the near future, since we already have gained experience and, importantly, a large network of crisis centers at Mom’s House in Kazakhstan.

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