Ekoklinika Oblastnoy Tsentr Reproduktivnoy Meditsiny в Ust'-Kamenogorsk

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанEkoklinika Oblastnoy Tsentr Reproduktivnoy Meditsiny



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17, Ulitsa Karla Libknekhta, 070000, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 777 147 3399
Веб-сайт: экоклиника.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.9463706, Longitude: 82.6155516

Комментарии 5

  • Коля Отец

    Коля Отец


    I would like to express my deep gratitude for the spoiled nerves and spent finances. We took PCR from the whole family at this institution, one turned out to be positive the next day in a normal laboratory and the test turned out to be negative, since the first positive one now we are all sitting at home although the test was done to travel abroad. I'm interested in your shop will reimburse the loss for the ruined trip. People don't ask them for PCR, it's better to go to a normal clinic

  • Назира Габдуллина

    Назира Габдуллина


    Hello! I came to take PCR in the direction from the Densaulyk polyclinic on the street. K. Liebnecht, I was sent to the laboratory on Shakarim, where the admin girl announced that it was expired, then why did the 4 admin girls not tell me about it, do you think it gives me pleasure to ride around the city for a non-expired direction? When will we start to respect the patient? I think your joint contracts and conditions between clinics should not concern patients, who will reimburse me the money spent on PCR?

  • Я одна такая

    Я одна такая


    Good day. Unfortunately, I was disappointed with this clinic represented by 4 administrators. Their loud giggles haha. A guy came in to leave a package for "Tatiana Viktorvna". So the girls all at once began to show attention at the same time, accompanying them with coquetry, shooting eyes and chirping. And I sit and wait when I am already taken to the doctor. Instead of 9.15, I went at 9.30 and ..... the most interesting thing is that the doctor's appointment with ultrasound took 15 minutes. I did not receive an answer to the questions raised. The doctor said that everything is fine and there are no problems with my health. God grant that. I followed the recommendation to this doctor and I hope she is very competent. But neither smears nor tests were taken or even prescribed. 10500 for receiving and ultrasound seems to me very expensive. P.S. this clinic is only for Russian citizens of our country, judging by the fact that from administrators to doctors all Russian. And probably, accordingly, they choose which approach to whom. I can be wrong and I apologize, I don't want to offend anyone. But from the outside it is so. I do not recommend this clinic. And the doctors who work there, they work in other city polyclinics, and you can get to them there as well. Especially those who work in a medical unit in a hospital and are cheaper and of better quality.

  • Еркежан Ахметжанова

    Еркежан Ахметжанова


    I underwent echosalpingoscopy and cavitation in this clinic, the girls in the reception are very polite, doctors Nurzhanova and Korobeinikova are professionals in their field, they explained everything very clearly, I thank all the staff of the OCRM, I wish you success and prosperity. I wish more babies to your patients))

  • Эдк Шнайдер

    Эдк Шнайдер


    I thank the team of the ecoclinic for the sensitive attitude. And we are very pleased with the special approach that they turned to your clinic, here are really professionals who know their business. Prosperity to you and success.

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