El'dorado в Türkistan qalası

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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Tynyshkulov Street, Türkistan qalası, Turkestan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 702 041 9999
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.3043428, Longitude: 68.2488406

Комментарии 5

  • Beschastna Galyna

    Beschastna Galyna


    Friendly service and nice drinks

  • Antonio Nunez

    Antonio Nunez


    Very nice service!

  • Умит Жайлыбай

    Умит Жайлыбай


    A bit expensive for Turkestan

  • Esra Nur

    Esra Nur


    Place is nice and affordable, however there are some people who stare at you while dancing and it makes us women more than uncomfortable. Edit: I wanted add a few things more... This place has my fondest memories with it. My birthday, my friend's birthdays, my other friend's bachelorette party, or just a simple night out with my other other friends. The place is huge and the accomodations are pretty nice. There are private rooms on the second floor, bar at the side of the cafe, two rows of tables in the main room, karaoke room at the entrance. The staff is pretty friendly, they use high-tech to take orders. The music is pretty fine, although it can get pretty repetitive sometimes. But overall I like places like that. But my first complaint remains a problem. Men are like animals looking at their preys on the dance floor, and I don't believe it is the type of behavior anyone, girl or boy or women would like to experience. But yes, this is not an issue of the cafe/bar. They can't decide who comes in the building and who doesn't. So I can not say anything more about the issue. Second thing is even if I really enjoy their pizzas, I cannot say the same thing about their other foods. I have also tried their lagman, meat desk and their shashlyk. And I confess, they were not so good. The shashlyk made me food-poisoned the next day, and I was sick for 4 days after that. My stomach is not weak normally, so I don't think it was my stomach's fault. Me and my friends, we usually like to order some fried chicken for one and Piko Mors juice. The atmosphere is more for dancing than eating, that's why it's out number one place to go to dance

  • Meirambek Mombekov

    Meirambek Mombekov



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