Eurasian National University Faculty of Social Sciences в Astana

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КазахстанEurasian National University Faculty of Social Sciences


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6, Yanushkevich Str., 010000, Astana, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 717 270 9537
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Latitude: 51.1606416, Longitude: 71.463747

Комментарии 5

  • Кунанбай Сагнаев

    Кунанбай Сагнаев


    По улице Янушкевича стоят корпуса бывшего пединститута. Ныне это часть Евразийского университета. Я учился здесь в 70-е годы.

  • Adriana Català

    Adriana Català


    This is a basic dormitory for students. There is a big difference between the part for local students and the part for international students. I've been in the international students part and it has been nice. The best of all is the people that live here, there are hospitality and open minded people. You can find people from Russia, Ukraine, Turquia, Mongolia, Tayikistán, Kyrgyzstan and Afganistán. It's not usual to find people from Europe, but in the month I've lived here, we were one French and me, from Spain. The rules are quite strict and you can not go out or into the dormitory after 23. You can not cook neither. You have to share room with one or 2 people and the bathroom use to be broken. Always water at the floor when you take a shower. Also, there are little cucroaches always in the bathroom. But, anyway, the accommodation is usually free for international students and the atmosphere is nice and relatively clean (To clean for them is not that we understand in Europe). Also, international student are lucky because, unfortunately, the local students part is for share rooms between 5 or maybe 8 people, they pay and they have worse conditions in general. For this university is important to have European students. The worst things I've seen here have been: First, people who work at dormitory. They are usually rude and not polite (most of them). Specially, There is a blonde woman who is totally crazy and she can go into your room in the morning for wake you up, start to screaming and trush to the floor all your things in 5 second. Horrible, and it has happened to me. Finally, another thing I've to advice you about is the university. If you're foreign student and you're thinking about to do an international program with them, take care, they are so relaxed and, maybe, you stay here for all the period of your program doing nothing. They are never stress, they think is normal to do things wrong everytime and they don't care. I think is a cultural filosophy. After all, I strongly recommend to visit Kazajistán, his cities and his villages.

  • Nurbolat Alibekov

    Nurbolat Alibekov


    Нашел по фану

  • ru

    Mustafa Isa



  • Gian Luca Bonora

    Gian Luca Bonora


    My work place in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years

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