Family Med в Almaty

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КазахстанFamily Med


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5WV3+HG8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7272 69 74 01
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.1939156, Longitude: 76.9038277

Комментарии 5

  • Ася МАГ

    Ася МАГ


    I was looking for a good pediatrician for a very long time. In the city I was at almost all pediatricians. For 3 years, children have been observed by a very experienced pediatrician Nyu Alexander Petrovich. Thank you for your attention to children. Children go to the reception as to a holiday. 😀

  • marina волкова

    marina волкова


    I read the previous comments and was surprised. How can you scold the whole center. There are many different doctors and procedures here. I am writing only about those moments in which I myself have been. We chose a cardiologist in this center after long visits to other clinics and are very happy and satisfied, Zarina Borisovna is an excellent specialist not only in cardiology. Often she correctly diagnosed us in other areas. The doctor is very competent and attentive. If you need to find out or consult something, she is always in touch and answers just instantly. The ultrasound in this center is beyond praise, the doctor is also very competent. The atmosphere is pleasant, the relations between the employees are friendly, which is also important. Lovely honey. sisters in the treatment department. The prices are low in comparison with other paid clinics. I am writing about those who we had ourselves.

  • Asem Azi

    Asem Azi


    She knew that it was bad and there were only crumbbells sitting there, but there was no way out and choice on Saturday. Krohobory-gently unsubscribed !!! Changing the ear turunda for an adult for 2000tg is a bust! I also asked on the phone how much the cost would be for which I received an answer: you need to look at ((( It is a pity that she didn’t ask the doctor’s full name "" - she is also a pediatrician! Horror ^ Horrible!

  • Ирина Дорогуш

    Ирина Дорогуш


    Disgusting center. I came with the child several times, the pediatrician was not there. Well, we can assume that his working time is different. But I came to get a certificate for the child about the epidemiological environment, instead of the pediatrician, they offered a doctor for adults, who apparently decided to just show off. Even before examining the child, he said that it was not a fact that he would give us this certificate. At first I did not understand why he didn’t like the child. As a result, it turned out that one quick glance was enough for this super-mega doctor to see the dry lips of his son, to ascertain the diagnosis "Herpes!" Then he added: "What a reference to the epidemiological environment for you! Go to the pediatrician for treatment." "Dear" doctor, I do not know at which flea market you bought your diploma, but even I am not a medical worker and I understand that dry lips in a child can be a sign of dehydration and an elementary allergic reaction. But even if we assume that it is herpes, then where does the epid.environment have to do with it ??? Maybe then people with herpes shouldn't leave the house and go to work at all? The doctor is just an ignoramus !!! I will not go to this center again and I do not recommend it to everyone, if you do not want to be found with non-existent diseases.

  • Айка Абсаметова

    Айка Абсаметова


    Terrible organization! The doctor fell ill, they did not warn me, although they knew that I was with a small child. The second time, we arrived at a howl, the doctor left, we were not warned again! Not recommended!

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