Городская больница №1 в Karagandy

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанГородская больница №1



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
22, Ulitsa Biryuzova, 100000, Karagandy, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7212 31 14 63
Веб-сайт: karhospital.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.8904351, Longitude: 73.2021348

Комментарии 5

  • Shy Sunny

    Shy Sunny


    Guys, we are amicably detaching ourselves from this hospital. Or we roll the complaint to the 5th channel. Maybe then they will start working normally? I know good doctors there, for example, Belokopytov. It does not deserve such an attitude, BUT the remaining 80% of workers are boors who like to ignore even the most serious situations. These are someone's relatives who do not want to help people and heal them. They do not work, but they receive money, the hospital seems to be made of cardboard - it exists only on paper. And I can also advise you to pay for medical insurance and complain about them to higher authorities, you can find the numbers on the Internet. Calls are actually being processed.

  • Евгения Кураева

    Евгения Кураева


    Just awful staff from reception to medical staff. Today I called to consult about the vaccine, every word had to be pulled out to understand at least something !!!!

  • Анастасия Хисматуллина

    Анастасия Хисматуллина


    This is some kind of horror, and not a polycline, why do they write it down if you still sit for two hours in the corridor. Children's ophthalmologist, this is a separate story altogether, in order to go through, you have to find and buy drops yourself, drip it yourself, and where is our free medicine. Or you need to write to the regional health department.

  • Зотов Святослав

    Зотов Святослав


    I want to tell a small story with a sad end. On 12/27/2020 my father was admitted in a serious condition with a stroke. After that, we were looking for a doctor for 3 days. Information about the diagnosis, treatment, etc. We had to call from 3 phones to get through to 12/31/2020, my father had a good dynamic to improve his health. On January 3 and 4, we cannot receive any information about the condition of the father and on 01/05/2021 he died. There is no limit to my indignation, I want to wish all the attending doctors who treated my father that the creature will be rewarded to you in a triple difference so that you also cannot see your relative in the health of the creature !!!

  • Раиса А

    Раиса А


    Horrible hospital Has turned into unbearable leg pain In the emergency room, the therapist of the 7th site is not accepted, they said the recording will be in a week. After a week, they still wrote it down for the next week. With terrible pain, I again turned to the emergency room, where the girl answered aggressively again. God, what a horror 😭 Preparing a complaint to the department

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