Gorodskaya Bol'nitsa 1 в Nur-Sultan

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанGorodskaya Bol'nitsa 1


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66, Улица Генерала Сабыра Ракымова, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 51 57 02
Веб-сайт: www.auruhana1.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1424246, Longitude: 71.5283375

Комментарии 5

  • Анар Ташмурова

    Анар Ташмурова


    I am the daughter of Kalenderova Saparzhan I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor of cardio pita ALEXANDER SERGEEVICH I bow to you without boundaries, thank you very much You are a doctor from God, doctor of good health and long long years of life to you. Simple human thanks to you. May ALLAH take care of you

  • Наталья Пономарёва

    Наталья Пономарёва


    The hospital is very good. I give this rating due to the fact that the specified address does not exist. Please enter correct hospital address

  • Nurai Bakytkhan

    Nurai Bakytkhan


    I, the daughter of Etikpayeva Gulpan Gabdulgabitovna, my family and relatives, we want to express our deepest sincere gratitude: 1.Head of the neurosurgical department Aliye Kairulaevna - for her professionalism and invaluable experience in the fight against Covid 19. 2. to all doctors - for their staunchness, diligence, nobility in such difficult work. 3. to nurses, service personnel, for understanding, sympathy, patience. Each doctor of this hospital empathized for each person and did their best to save each person. They helped my mother get back on her feet, with 80%. Thanks to everyone and low bow. The doctors did a miracle in our life for our mother. ,,, 🥰🌹🙏

  • Wait 3

    Wait 3


    Hello! My name is Baurzhan Mukashev. I want to express my deepest gratitude and deep respect to the medical staff of the urology department KVI-1 of the city hospital 1, Nur-Sultan, the head of the department Abdusalamov Sh.V. Art. nurse Aubakirova N.E. and once again a deep bow to all the hospital staff. We carried out wet cleaning 4 times a day on open surfaces, fed deliciously and always on time, the honey sisters were always positive and created a calm atmosphere in the entire department, a friendly attitude was everywhere and even when the procedures were performed (injections, systems and the time of taking medications), 2-3 doctors came a day and spoke personally with everyone in their arms, they always had your medical history. Looking back, I remember in what state they accepted me. I had 50% lung damage, I could not breathe on my own, the first 5 days were insanely hard for me, I did not get out of bed breathing all 24 hours using an oxygen tube. On the 7th day it became easier. Big Rakhmet Everyone! I have a very great feeling of gratitude to these people. Guys, take care of yourself. C / u Mukashev Baurzhan, 31 years old.

  • Лариса Тетерюк

    Лариса Тетерюк


    Good day! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctors, nurses and all employees of the Emergency Ward, CT Office who worked at night (from 28 to 29 July 2021). I applied on my own with signs of Covid. Each doctor works very efficiently with his patient. Everything is very harmonious. There is silence in the emergency room. We did everything necessary. Gave recommendations. Doctors are fully clothed and covered. It's very hard. 12h in this form. Low bow to you! Take care of yourself! People who do not believe in the complexity of the disease should be led and shown how scary it is.

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