Gorodskoy Tsentr Dermatologii w Nur-Sultan

KazachstanGorodskoy Tsentr Dermatologii



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50, Respublika Avenue, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7172 39 64 59
strona internetowej: derma.kz
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 51.1808188, Longitude: 71.4253244

komentarze 5

  • Наталья Громницкая

    Наталья Громницкая


    Good skate Posted sbosibo

  • Zhanar K

    Zhanar K


    Good dermatologists Rybovalova and Zhanargul Asanovna, if I am not mistaken in the doctor's patronymic. However, examination with a dermoscope has risen in price. 5 years ago I paid 2000 tenge for up to 5 moles on any part of the body, now each zone is separately like an ultrasound, on each zone there are up to 5 moles, even 1, it costs: face 5000 tenge, groin 7500 tenge, back 6500 tenge. About 6 years ago, she came with atopic postpartum eczema on her hands, they did not say anything sensible, except how to donate blood, which turned out to be clean, went to two other dermatologists. Cured by a nutritionist.

  • Акира Гача лайкер

    Акира Гача лайкер


    The epidemic in our country did not bypass my family. At first my mother was ill, the ambulance called earlier, my mother was told that her lungs were clean, and my mother had shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and could not get up. On June 23, we called an ambulance again. Bakbergen Serikzhanovich, an ambulance assistant at 10 polyclinics in Nur-Sultan, surprised me with his skills. He told my mother, who was in bed, that it was wrong to breathe, that she had bilateral pneumonia and that she was looking for a place in the hospital. While checking my mother, she searched for a place on the phone in the nearby hospitals and found a place in 3 city multidisciplinary hospitals. The doctors and nurses at this hospital treated my mother, even though she was in critical condition. In particular. Doctors Blyalova Dariga Baurzhanovna Abdullaeva Dina Abulkasymovna Kenzhebaeva Saule Kenzhetaevna Mustafina Almagul Ashimkhanovna Nurse: Metkelbaeva Raushan Egisovna Mulbaeva Gulshat Ismailovna Ashimova Gulmira Aitmagambetovna Sanitary: Kabyzhanov Ablay Serikovich. And on 24.06 we hospitalized my father with bilateral pneumonia. On June 26, he was transferred to the intensive care unit with complications. Thanks to the intervention of qualified doctors, thank God, my father was completely cured. I could not get the names of the doctors there, but I am especially grateful. On behalf of our sons and daughters and grandsons, we would like to thank all those who took our oath, who brought our mother and father back to us safely. It is true that when we receive bad news, we lose hope and fear. But let's not lose hope for the future and trust in doctors. May our parents live long in our community. May God be with the sick and may the doctors give them!

  • Аягоз Байсанова

    Аягоз Байсанова


    I express my deep gratitude for the treatment of the head of the skin and fungal department Sarsekeeva Nadia Alpysbekovna and the whole team! I wish you health, achievement of high peaks, well-being and good luck in your work! You are super thank you so much! 👏👍😘

  • sakan mukusheva

    sakan mukusheva


    Thank you very much to the doctor Karieva A.N., for the treatment of vitiliga with her daughter. I would also like to thank A. Besenova and Abdualiev Z.S. from physical cabinet.

najbliższy Szpital

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