Hotel Complex AK Samal в Karaganda

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанHotel Complex AK Samal



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
38, Universitet Street, 100026, Karaganda, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7212 77 01 01
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.7749159, Longitude: 73.1218727

Комментарии 5

  • Бакытгали Досмухамбетов

    Бакытгали Досмухамбетов


    The bed is not changed for weeks, the showers are broken, there are no doors or everything is leaking through them. They don’t clean the room, they don’t take out the garbage, they don’t have enough shoulders, some of the furniture has no handles and is broken.

  • Валентина Туржанова

    Валентина Туржанова


    The room was booked in advance. Since we were driving by car and it was necessary to spend the night and not look for a hotel. Payment upon arrival. There is free cancellation until 18.00. Which is convenient. According to the descriptions, according to the photo, everything suited us .. and the price of all the hotels is the lowest ... we didn't have to look for a hotel. On the navigator along the road. There were no problems when checking in. Inconvenience. The hotel area is not fenced. There is no guarded parking. Although it says that there is parking, they just put it near the hotel. The entrance to the restaurant and the hotel is shared. When we checked in, an event took place. The audibility in the room is 200%. Although we were told that we could not hear anything .. dinner was ordered to the room. But, check the check. As we were tired, we didn't ask for a receipt, but it's good that we previewed the prices. The waiter named a very high price for payment, when he was indignant, he quickly changed the numbers. The room seems to be clean, but for some reason there was no desire to swim. Standard room. Bed, TV, small refrigerator, kettle, bathroom. Towels are available, but one robe. I asked the administrator why? She shrugged. Microwave one for the hotel, downstairs in the dressing room. Maybe there is still. But I was told no more. The restaurant is open from 10.00.

  • Huseyin Hopur

    Huseyin Hopur


    So-so hotel. Do not lose the item do not return. 2 times were taken after the release of 5 minutes did not pass, they returned said no. Not honest people. I will not go anymore

  • Ержан Аманжолов

    Ержан Аманжолов


    Great establishment. Excellent cuisine and helpful staff. It especially pleases believers with its room for worship (namazkhan).

  • Дастан Тынымбай

    Дастан Тынымбай


    Ryan liked the cafe. The food is delicious

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