Интертич клиникасы в Atyrau

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанИнтертич клиникасы



🕗 время открытия

103, Admiral Vladimirskii Street, Atyrau, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7122 28 40 20
Веб-сайт: www.interteach.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.0914783, Longitude: 51.8701869

Комментарии 5

  • Miras Nukhy

    Miras Nukhy


    Too highly intelligent people are sitting at the reception. They gave a direction to the x-ray at 5 o'clock, waited 30 minutes for the therapist, and the people in the x-ray said that at 5 it closes stupidly spent 30 minutes (

  • Ляззат Адаева

    Ляззат Адаева


    Interteach is no longer the same and the doctors there no longer know how or do not want to treat anyone, but they really like to take money. Yesterday, 02.11.2020, somewhere at 11:00, my mother was brought to you in an ambulance with a pressure of 200, and the therapist did not even deign to give an injection and did not even register her, and even sent Mom to the emergency hospital, ignoring the doctor's comments, without paying attention to system and waited until the pressure dropped to normal). And today on 03.11.2020 at 16:00 she was registered with a neuropathologist, but when she got out of the taxi near the interteach her blood pressure increased and she could not get out of the car and asked to call a doctor for help, but for some reason she had to wait so long for your doctors that even the ambulance drivers who were standing there suggested that she lie on a stretcher outside. She had to climb up to you herself and is indignant, say thank you for restraining herself so that her pressure does not increase further and she does not die in front of you so-called doctors. And after all this, your therapist talked to her with dislike, not with reluctance, and with a favor. This doctor is from another city and such treatment as if she treats everyone here for free. It turns out why we then take insurance, if you have such unqualified and incompetent doctors working, which spoil the reputation of not only your clinic, but your other doctors. I won’t leave it tomorrow. I’ll find out the full name of the doctor and go to your clinic. Mom applied to the interteach near the regional hospital, it seems Vladimirskaya street.

  • Оксана Сайынова

    Оксана Сайынова


    Excellent clinic and specialists too

  • Асем Измаилова

    Асем Измаилова


    Intertich is not the same! Where to start ... in the offices of the laminate flooring, there are huge gaps, they have dust and dirt in the sea 😶. In a day hospital, some nurse wear gloves, some do not. And those who wear gloves do not change them between patients and trips to the corridor, do not even sterilize them ... although there is a special liquid.

  • Ельш Пельш

    Ельш Пельш


    Terrible attitude towards private (natural) persons. I rarely leave reviews, but I can't pass by. For five years he came to different specialists on various issues. Everyone has their own disadvantages and priorities for other (legal) persons. The last time I came by appointment with a therapist, at 12:00. At the appointed time he came and waited. The therapist let people out of turn, justifying herself by asking in advance who was registered with her and who was not. I don't understand how I need to be in the hallway with her in advance, half an hour in advance, given that you pay 5000 tenge for the initial appointment. After that, go into the office at 12:20, and contemplate an irritated doctor who is unhappy with your visit. Okay with that. But the interteacher has excellent dentists. This is perhaps the only plus.

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