Kafe Ivolga i Temirtau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanKafe Ivolga



🕗 åbningstider

6, 25, 101400, Temirtau 100000, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7213 93 05 89
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.0504372, Longitude: 72.9601701

kommentar 5

  • Сергей Одинцов

    Сергей Одинцов


    About anything below average service! But the kebab is super

  • Анна Бушманова

    Анна Бушманова


    Terrible staff, the waiter is a boor, there are no basic things, even ordinary tubes, the usual wine glass does not reach the cafe.

  • Татьяна Плохова

    Татьяна Плохова


    I would like to share my impressions of the Ivolga cafe. Delicious barbecue, respect. Waiter Dmitry serves quickly and politely. Many thanks to the administration and all the staff. I wish you prosperity and good luck !!!

  • Елена Пожидаева

    Елена Пожидаева


    First time in this cafe. I am a guest in your city. Everything is fine, relaxed atmosphere, comfort, calm good music that does not irritate, polite staff. Shish kebab is something, a song! We wish you prosperity!

  • Amiris Ka

    Amiris Ka


    The meat is delicious, the staff is polite. Clean and comfortable. The only negative: not very adequate visitors are often there ((But, I think, this happens almost everywhere.

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