Kazkhostel.kz в Almaty

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190, Shevchenko Street, 050000, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 707 376 0457
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2423026, Longitude: 76.8960478

Комментарии 5

  • Maya Satybaldieva

    Maya Satybaldieva


    I do not recommend it, I was last year, the room where I settled, the owners of the apartment themselves live, they don't let me sleep, I have to wake up 10 times a night, the bed is hard

  • Alish Fr

    Alish Fr


    Good day to all ! (I put it firm 3) I stayed there for a couple of days. You can sleep. I think that the floors and walls would be useful there.

  • Alper Deniz

    Alper Deniz


    Hello everyone, I give this 5star hostel I lived there for a month and I really liked it. Comfortably, cleanly there are safes, you can store valuable things. The hosts are very nice people. If I come, I will definitely stay in a hostel. In the summer in a very cool room, a huge balcony you can go out with coffee and smoke, they have cheap food in the evening, you can watch TV wi-fi works fine I don’t know how anyone I am glad that in Almaty there is such a comfortable place and inexpensive

  • Joanna Czechowska

    Joanna Czechowska


    I totally not recommend. Unreliable people! Unfortunately I cannot leave a positive opinion. We , were in the end of 3 week travel around Middle Asia with strongly "controlled" budget.... and we booked a room in Kaz Hostel, it was a special offer, very cheap and nice looking, when we arrived it apeared that there is no place for us. A host told us that she forgot to cancel the reservation, her friend offered us a help in finding another room at the same price and transport for free. Of course it apeared a manipulation. He left us in twice or three times expensive place and demanded money for being a taxi... What a shame....

  • Tom S

    Tom S


    All photos on Google have nothing in common with what this hostel looks from inside. It's a very budget-level dorm. Maybe it used to look better some years ago, but now it's like this. I lived there in June 2017 and want to warn that you shouldn't expect anything close to "European" level of accommodation there. Beds are very spartan, without springs. Mostly it's an iron 2-stories bed with 2cm thick piece of plywood put as the basis under the mattress. The mattress I slept on, was nothing more than 5cm thick foam rubber sheathed with soviet-age fabric. It was clean, but smelled like an old cloth. The other significant problem there is the absence of any locker for personal belongings. Given that there're 10-15 completely random people coming to sleep over every night (and 4 were in the same room with me), it gives you some nerves, as you can't be sure that your stuff is secured. They have cameras in the lobby and corridor, but mostly it's an open-door place till the midnight. The bathroom is acceptable, with shower and hot water, but weary. Be sure you take everything you need for personal hygiene (towels, soap, shampoo - everything you know you need to use, bring it with yourself). Kitchen was the most normal place there, as they have a fridge where you can store some food, and also stove to cook or warm-up your meals. The only significant benefit was a free wi-fi access (about 20Mbit/s or 2.5-3Mbyte/s). So I can assure you that all those great pics here on Google, have nothing in common. It's a very very budget-level dorm. Don't expect to meet some foreign tourists in there - most of the people there are either low-grade workers from the surroundings (or ones who came from regions) or students who missed the train to the suburb in need for sleepover. Also a lot of people are coming and leaving during the night and early morning, so be ready to be woken up 10 times a night. If you're a young guy short of money and you don't have other options, it's ok to crash there for couple of nights, but if you're traveling with your girlfriend or you need to have some more comfort and ability to control the space around - I strongly suggest you to find a normal hotel, even if it's more expensive. Again, don't believe those pics - nothing is corresponding with the reality.

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