Кофейня Coffee Boom в Qostanaý

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанКофейня Coffee Boom



🕗 время открытия

114, Altynsarin Street, 110000, Qostanaý, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.211044, Longitude: 63.6324891

Комментарии 5

  • Анастасия Худякова

    Анастасия Худякова


    Back in the summer, my husband and I decided to stop by from a long road to your institution. We were on bikes in sportswear. And 1 that we were struck by the disgusting attitude of the waiters at that moment they brought us the menu and everyone didn’t come up then they didn’t ask what we would order. Amazing ignore!!! We waited a long time. And were disappointed with the place as a whole. Apparently the management cannot train their staff in helpfulness and hospitality. Probably you should pay a visit and arrange a dressing for complete disrespect for visitors. If you think I'm afraid and I'm writing here, you're wrong. I can publicly chastise your waiters. 🤣🤣🤣 Have a nice day reader!!!!!!

  • Yuliya Borodina

    Yuliya Borodina


    A very rich menu and deliciously prepared. Large assortment of desserts!

  • Voron Live

    Voron Live


    The kitchen is excellent, the food is delicious! But the staff are disgusting. They brought a stand for cash and a check without opening it. After they offered QR. When asked for a check, it was not there! And they refused to knock out, supposedly it is already impossible. (Those who have worked with devices for driving in dishes, drinks, etc. know that you can withdraw any check before removing the table and ending the working day.) Violation of consumer rights by not issuing a check. The waiter knocked out the highest percentage of tips for herself and gave herself the highest rating without warning the customers. The administrator helped with difficulty. In addition to the high percentage due to the grade, she added the amount to the QR. At the end, they barely pulled out a check from the staff! A tip was left to them. Be careful.

  • Gulshat Utepova

    Gulshat Utepova


    Visited the cafe on November 5th Ordered two hot dishes: Japanese-style rice with beef, ojakhuri. Both dishes are tasteless, just a selection of fried and boiled foods. The rice was greasy. Of course the interior, the polite staff do not deny it. But the dishes, as the saying goes, "what MAD is your jellied fish."

  • Johny Johnson

    Johny Johnson


    Good morning 🌄 Today I visited a coffee shop, ordered soup and coffee. The soup was delicious, Americano coffee. Well received, overall everything was excellent. The hall is large, there are separate booths for the company. The menu is great, but most importantly the breakfast is served. There are few establishments in Kostanay that can offer breakfast. This is great. Parking along the road, or on Tolstoy. It would be nice to make a pocket for cars. Thanks for the service. Success

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