Көп профилді емхана Софи Мед Груп w Aktau

KazachstanКөп профилді емхана Софи Мед Груп



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1 мкр. Больничный городок, здание 6, Aktau, Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7292 20 33 33
strona internetowej: sofiemed.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.632932, Longitude: 51.183678

komentarze 5

  • Елена Чёрная

    Елена Чёрная


    They paid 12 thousand for an appointment, only to be told that they did not encounter such a problem, contact another doctor. With a recommendation from another doctor, he copied the recommendation on a new paper in a clumsy handwriting on his own behalf and stamped it. That's all .... specialists from a cool clinic

  • Санжар Сулейменов

    Санжар Сулейменов


    Nurse Raikhan her name is too rude when she doesn’t come, like she has no time to sit on the phone. And since the service is the norm, I like it here. Here Raikhan must be sent to another place for her not a sesto.

  • Aliya Kunakbaeva

    Aliya Kunakbaeva


    Terrible service !!! 👎 The staff is not competent. They did not get to the doctors, because they did not give information, the registrar was busy with her phone

  • Динара Маметаева

    Динара Маметаева


    Answer the phone quickly! All of Edenitsa are gone with an autoresponder and a box! I called on March 4th! How do I sign up for a reception now? There was no wet unit left to ring

  • Максат Мурзахметов

    Максат Мурзахметов


    You send another person here. You gave my daughter a referral to the CTG. We called 10,000 anesthesiologists from 9 in the morning without eating and went until 6 in the evening. Before the anesthesia, we checked. You did not register the anesthesia. You told me that you did not put anesthesia. I was ready to destroy you with my own hands for the sake of my child if I couldn't put him under anesthesia. My child cries at night.

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