МясоRубка - Крутая бургерная в Kökşetaw

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КазахстанМясоRубка - Крутая бургерная



🕗 время открытия

16, Pushkin Street, 020000, Kökşetaw, Zerendi District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 707 444 8738
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2859081, Longitude: 69.4047406

Комментарии 5

  • Claudiya Novak

    Claudiya Novak


    Cool interior! Very nice, interesting, cozy! A wide variety of burgers to choose from! And not only! My grandson and I had a great time! Very nice young guys and girls serving!

  • Расул Сабитов

    Расул Сабитов


    A good selection of different snacks, burgers of different types and nights, fries, cheese balls, combos of your choice

  • Rozario Agro

    Rozario Agro


    Double impression. It looks like a good establishment, renovation, furniture, etc. The staff seems to be attentive. Music killed, screams like at a disco, dinner is not very pleasant. The kitchen is also not so simple. The burger is not bad, you can even say that it is good, the soup is not about anything at all. I was very surprised that a self-service system was introduced here. Each dish, even tea, is on a separate tray. We have to run back and forth several times. I don’t know why this is done, but I didn’t appreciate it ...

  • jåpple (мда)

    jåpple (мда)


    Recently, food has become like "don't know what", delivery takes an hour, it has never been delivered quickly. Once I waited two and a half hours to feel the taste of a half raw and under-salted cutlet, a dead, dark leaf of lettuce and a dough of cold sauce. The kahuna burger is completely filled with the same sauce, it is poured directly, it is impossible to eat. By the way, all this began to happen after the change of staff and owners of the establishment !! Even going to this place with family members with the task of stuffing your belly with a burger and fries turns out to be a failure and disappointment. At the expense of food, the family has the same opinion. We ate literally a raw cutlet in the middle, okay, if only one serving had this, but the whole table suffered. Wouldn't recommend for a visit soon. In the toilet of the establishment, everything is surprisingly clean, but cold. The toilet is located next to the back entrance, from which, in winter, frosty freshness blows. Cold water comes from the tap all the time, you have to do everything by running, so as not to freeze. At least the door lock works.

  • Andrey “MipDev” Saraikin

    Andrey “MipDev” Saraikin


    Tasty ^_^

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