Mizam в Shymkent

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Yelshibek Batyr Street, Shymkent, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 775 137 0384
Веб-сайт: shymkent.restoran.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.3241283, Longitude: 69.6354307

Комментарии 5

  • Esra Nur

    Esra Nur


    This is like my childhood cafe. All of my fondest and awkwardest high school memories had some kind of connection to this place. The food is really good, the main ingredients they put are bell peppers, soy sauce and chicken/veal/beef, meaning some kind of meat. These are like their key ingredients, the branding items, etc. As I was saying, my whole high school went around this place. I remember our 9th grade math teacher bringing us here, I don't really remember why, or our other teachers bringing us here, one of my friend's mother bringing us here, or even just my family and relatives coming here. Warm and tasty memories I shall call them. We also used to gather here for any kind of holidays or celebrations with my classmates. Back then, me and my best friend didn't have a lot of money, well our pocket money was very little. So we used to just collect them for a week and when we had enough money, we used to go and buy ourselves some shashlyk (meat cooked on open fire), and a very tasty and filling salad called "Oazis", it had tomatoes, fried mini potatoes, mayonnaise, peas, meat, boiled eggs in it. And it was the best thing ever for us. We used to also buy one bread and buy these foods as takeouts, so we could enjoy them at the back of our school, on a bench, away from everyone and it was one of mine and my best friend's fondest memories. I remember getting so angry when someone else came and asked us to share it with them. The reason I am giving 4 stars is not because of any bad thing or inconvenience that happened, or the manners and actions of staff, or the food or the serving, the only reason is to make them stay as humble as they are right now. Otherwise they would be too perfect:) ♡




    Very wonderful place. Go here guys I recommend you 👌

  • Aidana Zhekishova

    Aidana Zhekishova


    Food is delicious and thanks for administration. The best Cafe in Shymkent.

  • Teach Play Love

    Teach Play Love


    Air conditioning is poor. Toilets could be cleaner. Food's fine. Affordable prices.

  • Bunzy Chai

    Bunzy Chai


    Nicely decorated place with great local dishes at reasonable price.

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