Narodnyy Bank в Qızılorda

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанNarodnyy Bank



🕗 время открытия

Ayteke Bi Street, 120014, Qızılorda, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7242 55 00 03
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.842288, Longitude: 65.5006338

Комментарии 5

  • Сабыр Жаксыгулов

    Сабыр Жаксыгулов


  • Sergei Nam

    Sergei Nam


    Halykbank, namely Kyzylorda branch, after it swallowed up the remains of the Kazkom turned into the most terrible financial institution. The ticket issuer does not work all the time, there are many people in the hall, and at least 1-2 cash desks do not necessarily work, those that work for a very long time serve the 1st client, constantly “scurry” to these cash desks their colleagues and skip their operations without a turn, believe I often see such pictures. Today, in general, I was amazed at the currency exchange office running out of new-style dollars, and then some type was sitting on the couch and inviting everyone to buy currency from him, cheaper by 1.5 tenge, and no one from the staff and the guard reacts, are they hike? It reminds - sharashkin bazaar, with a loud name "bank horns and hooves." I went to another department on bi biotech, there is the same picture with cash registers, while it is a turn, I decided to familiarize myself with the conditions for deposits, went up to the stand where there are booklets, there are many of them, but it is exactly according to the terms of depositing - zero. I asked the info from the reception girl - she shrugged her shoulders and everything, it turns out to find out you have to stand in line again to the manager and lose your time. If there would be a normal leader, probably all the necessary information would be available. In general, one more conclusion - it is better to open a deposit in another bank, where there is more organized management.

  • Liz9926



    I'm just furious. They work too slowly. I was sent on the coupon first to the first cashier, from there to the fifth. It was my turn, but the employee decided to serve another client, when my turn was on the coupon, referring to the fact that it takes a long time for me to transfer an international transfer, but it takes a long time for him to exchange. Although I waited long enough for my turn, and was late for work. What a mess? And why is the coupon sent to the non-working cash register? To then wait for your turn again and again?

  • Rustem Shakhtay

    Rustem Shakhtay


    Respect for customers zero. Too slow.

  • Zhankabyl Ongar

    Zhankabyl Ongar


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