Nurbank w Pavlodar




🕗 godziny otwarcia

26, Prospekt Nursultana Nazarbayeva, 140000, Pavlodar, Pavlodar District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7182 32 12 30
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 52.2878448, Longitude: 76.9656425

komentarze 5

  • Galina Kot

    Galina Kot


    People, run out of this bank !!! for withdrawing YOUR SAME SALARY of 80,000 tons, they charge a commission every time withdrawal from the ATM of this bank! the salary is already not a million, they withdraw 1000 each

  • Ертостик Екембаев

    Ертостик Екембаев


    In general, the message comes with a delay of 20,034.28 tenge. I pay monthly. The second message is 4551.37 tenge. That this is a bordak.

  • Бахыт Асылова

    Бахыт Асылова


    I drove alongside, but there was none




    Everything is fine, but the service speed is a little lame. Received a transfer through the golden crown, it took more than 30 minutes to receive.

  • Азамат Кусаинов

    Азамат Кусаинов


    Horror, complete anarchy !!! There are many people, it serves one and for a very long time, employees go back and forth creating the appearance of work. There are still many customers and the working day has not ended, and employees are already “dumping” them home. In the queue due to poor-quality work of the bank, a nervous situation prevails and you can understand them !!! BAD, VERY BAD the bank is working, the level of service does not at all correspond to modern principles and standards of marketing !!! The most unsuccessful bank in terms of servicing individuals !!!

najbliższy Bank

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