Orda в Taraz

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Kazybek Bi Street, Taraz, Jambyl District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 707 743 3931
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.8983802, Longitude: 71.3604507

Комментарии 5

  • Асель Касенова

    Асель Касенова


    Nice, friendly hotel. Air conditioning, shower, bath accessories, tv, beautiful lobby. Nearby there are restaurants, before the holiday we had a good rest, put ourselves in order, went to the restaurant Alma-Ata

  • Бану Байболатова

    Бану Байболатова


    Cozy number for 3 persons. We were passing through to Almaty. Nearby there is Mr. Watson english pab awesome interior and delicious food! I advise everyone

  • Ruslan Dauletkulov

    Ruslan Dauletkulov


    I am pleased with my stay at the ORDA Hotel. The attitude and attention of the staff is definitely the best in the city. The location of the Hotel is just perfect, as close to the necessary markets and Victory Park with the Lake

  • Devidyal Givens

    Devidyal Givens


    First, this is a 1.5 star hotel. Let there be no doubt there. They don't even have hot water for a a shower The extra star and a half are for the incredible service the guy at reception gave us. We had had a rough day. Our car had broken down, we had spend time stranded on the side of the road In a country where we don't speak the language, we had been towed to a random small town where we knew no one. We're quite the adventurous family, we've traveled the world, lived in multiple countries, and we've done it all, but that doesn't mean we don't feel stress. Yesterday sucked. The guy at the hotel was awesome. He helped us order dinner, he helped us order breakfast the next morning, and he was in the process of trying to find a mechanic to come take care of our car when a fellow guest said he'd take a look at it. He was over the top with customer service and we would stay there again only for him. Now, for the bad part...it wouldn't be an honest review if I didn't write it. The door handle to our room was falling off. We had to open and close the door by the lock. The bathroom ceiling looked like it might collapse on us, there was no soap or shampoo, there was only one towel for three of us. The furniture was terribly uncomfortable. The wallpaper was peeling off the walls. Most of the electrical outlets in the room didn't work. The overall vibe of the place was that it was really nice in 1990 but no money has been spent on upkeep since. It was funny to us. The decor was really gaudy, but that's a thing here.

  • Ельшат Вильданов

    Ельшат Вильданов


    The mentality of the people visiting the establishment is very low.

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