Poliklinika 1 в Rudny

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанPoliklinika 1



🕗 время открытия

102, Ulitsa 50 Let Oktyabrya, 111500, Rudny, Kostanay District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 71431 5 37 93
Веб-сайт: rudpol.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 52.9739004, Longitude: 63.0899028

Комментарии 5

  • LA Ca

    LA Ca


    Even one race does not deserve. Disgusting place. rude staff working on the "back off". The plot №15 cabinet 422 is open until 19:00, the reception is carried out until 18:45. And do not care what the corridor sick people. Someone in the queue at 14:00 I from 16:00 to 18:45. Then all drove from the cabinet denial of service. Here are doctors !!!!! On offer to stay after work and take all the patients had bulging eyes and cry nurses on the patient! Two nurses and the doctor, shouting! three neck, that they still own the work. (And patients on a site, then they do not work) organization of reception of patients in the clinic's disgusting. After serving in the queue 3:00 with acute pain, time off from work, I was kicked out by the doctor on duty. Which is open until 20:00. But what is it? And there are already 20 people + our turn of the cabinet 422 from Nauryzbayeva. And there's nothing human. The nurse came and said commanding tone that the doctor takes to 20:00 and all. Are you seriously? Doctors do not stay a minute? Why are we on their work is constantly delayed, because it is necessary to perform the work to the end? And doctors you see there. At 17:50 appealed to the reception with a verbal complaint about the inability to get an appointment. Paramedic (do not know the name) said that the 416 has a head, all the questions to her. At 17:55 the office was closed and no lock on the head of the debts. Why in the children's clinic doctor takes all and will not go away until you take the whole place? Even coming into the locker room, which is open until 19:00 and found cloakroom, turned to the guard, he was not looking up from the phone said "it is somewhere out there," and proceeded to watch and smile into the phone. I could give clothes for number plates. You (clinic staff) have no respect for patients. I will need to write a complaint on this fact to the Ministry of Health. And I urge all satisfied with the service to do the same. I go to the clinic once every 5 years, pay medical insurance from work and such an attitude. Complaint obl.min.zdravoohraneniya on site clinics and writing glav.vrach.

  • al. alena

    al. alena


    What a horror. First, they go to the doctors. They say that no one, no one, did not call anywhere. Although they called, they told us everything, but alas. Almost all doctors are on vacation. To sign up, it's like hell! Doctors generally sit, first they say one thing, then the second, the doctor is on vacation, the nurse without the head doctor, they don’t issue certificates. And how do we go to the school platform now ?!

  • Владимир Горкун

    Владимир Горкун


    Very poor parking place for only 10 cars

  • v 53.4

    v 53.4


    Your phone number does not work, you cannot reach him. Change to a valid one. I need to make an appointment, but I can't.

  • Таня Голышева

    Таня Голышева


    Horror, they chase doctors for a whole week. Sent to the Federal State Statistics Service on August 16 and refuse to sign the certificate of admission. The interviews will start next week, but I still can't submit the documents.

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