Поликлиника №5 в Atyrau

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КазахстанПоликлиника №5


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4W78+XVQ, Atyrau, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7122 27 20 57
Веб-сайт: gorpol5-atyrau.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.114955, Longitude: 51.9172282

Комментарии 5

  • Рустем Саматович

    Рустем Саматович


    I came to take tests in the morning, I sat in a queue, sat for an hour and a half, went in and checked it on a computer by searching for letters on the keyboard and said that my type therapist did not give the right direction, there are simply no words. Interestingly, do they generally understand in what place and by whom they work? !!! Yes, and thanks for being late for work!

  • Анна Воронкина

    Анна Воронкина


    Do not call forever

  • Айнур Адилова

    Айнур Адилова


    Each doctor has his own rules. They called at night and said to come to the Diasken test, from the beginning they will go to 1 cab, they will look around and then they will do Diaskentest at 28 cabs. We come to office 1, and there they say that they will not need to go to their local doctor, the district police officer has a complete record and she does not want to accept, she made me wait in the corridor, we barely looked around, we go to the 28 room, and there is no person who should do Diaskentest , the door is most importantly open, take whatever you want, we sit waiting for an hour, no one is there, they asked other doctors, it turned out that she was sitting in another office and was not obliged to sit in room 28, since she had another job. It turns out there is no productivity, people come to the clinic for a reason. Moreover, at a time when the virus is walking everywhere, it was necessary to spend 4 hours with the child, just in anticipation because there are no responsible people ?! Also, this nurse who did Diaskentest swears, saying that she is not obliged to sit and thirst, and who then is obliged? The patient should walk on the polyclinic and knock on every door and ask if the specialist he needs is here ?! When to start appreciating and respecting someone else's time !!!

  • Lyadi idn

    Lyadi idn


    I want to thank Nurse Onai You were able to quickly put me on my feet. I am sincerely grateful to you for your kindness, sincerity and sensitivity. You were able to find the right approach to solve my problem. You are a wonderful Nurse. Thank you very much for your work

  • Nagim Salamat

    Nagim Salamat


    Bardak. The government did not provide free milk on time. There are times when a mother with many children does not give milk for 2-3 months. He did not give milk on the 12th of every month. There was no milk to go and no answers. Are there people who can solve this problem?

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