restaurant_zoloto в Türkistan qalası

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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Жибек жолы, 39, Türkistan qalası 161200, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 775 629 9629
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2815412, Longitude: 68.2910684

Комментарии 5

  • Nurken Medet

    Nurken Medet


    There are no complaints about the kitchen, everything is tasty and clean. But there is very little choice in the menu. The waiters are very polite, but the administrator Akerke was very rude. The fact is that we came to the institution at 8 pm, we learned in advance that they have a dance floor and there will be dancing. They came there, live music played, the singer sang mostly very sad songs. Later they turned on the songs, but the DJ turned on exactly 5 songs and said that there would be no more songs. At 22:30 they turned off the music, they said that there would be no more songs and dances. Even though it's still an hour and a half before it closes. They asked Akerke to include a couple of songs, to which she replied in a very rude way that they are a RESTAURANT and will not include any more songs. It was very unpleasant that the administrator talks to the guests of the establishment like that, and for an hour and a half they just sat in silence.

  • Куралай Сарсембаева

    Куралай Сарсембаева


    Today we were there, they brought us a steak with hair, and also paid for the “hairy steak”! Instead of apologizing, the owner of the restaurant blamed us, disgrace!!! I do not recommend ANTI-restaurant with the worst service to anyone!!! We also deleted our comments from Instagram))). “Kydyrali aga”, if you are the owner of a restaurant, then not only your staff, but first of all you need to take at least the cheapest restaurant business course. It's a pity, Turkestan is developing, but there is no local service. And such an institution with a loud name and low service is pulling back the development of Turkestan!

  • Диана Аргынтай

    Диана Аргынтай


    Beautiful place with delicious food. But we come there to unwind, and the man sings sad songs all the time. This is a little upsetting.

  • Boranbek Baimurzayev

    Boranbek Baimurzayev



  • Mahmud Choudhury

    Mahmud Choudhury


    A bit salty, overall good value for money

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