Restoran Bereke в Ekibastuz

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанRestoran Bereke



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J5QH+FQV, Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 708 391 9827
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.6387283, Longitude: 51.1794153

Комментарии 5

  • Гулшат Сдыкова

    Гулшат Сдыкова


    Tasty food

  • Жанна Таласбаева

    Жанна Таласбаева


    The food is very tasty

  • Дядя Деда

    Дядя Деда


    Great restaurant! Very cozy! Great food!

  • Айгуль Ильясова

    Айгуль Ильясова


    The kitchen is good. But the service is terrible

  • Алексей Босык

    Алексей Босык


    Good evening! On August 5, my wife and I were fortunate enough to celebrate our wedding day at the Bereka institution! I will start with the administration of the institution: The first impression of the administration was very positive, they promised a gorgeous and unforgettable evening. It lasted until the moment when they paid the advance payment, after which everything changed dramatically. The people working there are aggressive towards their customers, are trying with all their might to push away inappropriate behavior from themselves, argue, quarrel, set their conditions, although I am of the opinion that if I pay, then everything should be according to my desire. There was another banquet on the day of our wedding, the administration confidently claimed that in 1.5 hours the Bereke team would be able to complete the first banquet, tidy up the hall for our event, but when we arrived the waiters ran wildly around the hall, cleaned the tables and served again, I haven’t seen such a mess in any restaurant. As a result, by the beginning of the event, there were some dishes on the tables somewhere, Somewhere alcohol, etc. Not only was there no alcohol on the table, they simply did not put water and napkins. The waiters service is disgusting! Each time if something ended on the table, I had to call 15-20 waiters for min, and several times even go to the kitchen myself. As for the bathroom ... in Berek there was only one toilet for the whole banquet, and there were about 130 people. Not only was there a queue near the toilet, so for the whole evening no one had ever cleaned there! People, be careful when choosing a restaurant! Before you go to Bereka, think 10 times if you want to solve problems of this kind on your holiday and spend your time and nerves !!!

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