Sapsan в Pavlodar

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
105, Баян Батыра, 140000, Pavlodar, Pavlodar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7182 33 33 34
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 52.2873032, Longitude: 76.9674023

Комментарии 5

  • Рустамбек Исмухамбетов

    Рустамбек Исмухамбетов


    A cafe with a very good chef, everything is very tasty and satisfying. The portions are large, on the second day they took 1 salad for two. At the same time, prices do not bite. The hotel is good. The room is clean, comfortable temperature for relaxation, not hot. The beds are large with good mattresses, the linen is fresh and clean. It smells of quartz, which speaks of des. processing in the room, which is very good, the corridors are also processed. WiFi catches everywhere. The staff is friendly, sincere. When checking in, there were problems with the map, the administrator checked in and kindly provided time to settle the problems, which is very nice. I had a great rest after a hard road, I slept like at home. On my next business trip I will stop here without hesitation.

  • Игорь Дикевич

    Игорь Дикевич


    Good hotel, reasonable price, clean and comfortable. I always stop here when I am in Pavlodar

  • Виктория Чернова

    Виктория Чернова


    We visited the sauna and the peregrine falcon pool yesterday. We were not satisfied. When she called and booked a sauna, they said the heating is warm and the pool is warm. Upon arrival, everything turned out to be different, there is no heating from the windows, it blows very strongly that it is impossible even to stand. In the pool, the water was barely warm, it was cool to swim. Besides this, the walls of the pool are all very dirty black. There is mold everywhere, it's just that everything is covered with mold and dirt throughout the sauna. In a rude form, they skated to get the money back for 1.5 hours of the sauna. They shouted indignant that everything was perfect. But the photo shows how they really are.

  • Валентина Шаталина

    Валентина Шаталина


    We stopped at the hotel at 12 o'clock in the morning after a long trip. Rolling with fatigue, I just wanted to sleep. They rented a room for 18,000 tenge. 4-bed room, all single beds. And all 4 beds were not fully made. All the beds had pillows without a pillowcase. The telephone in the room does not work. Had to go down from the 3rd floor and ask for pillowcases. For some reason, there is no hot water in the room and, finally, there is used soap on the sink in the bathroom and an open bag of shampoo is in the shower stall. In fact, it turns out that the room is not properly cleaned

  • Assel Abaganova

    Assel Abaganova


    Unassuming hotel. The room has everything you need and all bathroom accessories. Breakfast is included in the price. Delicious cuisine, no need to look for where to have lunch or dinner. Dinner for two: dumplings 2 portions, 2 steaks, salad and a kettle of tea, 9000tg came out. This is very important when tasty and not expensive. Rooms are quartz, clean, bedding is perfect white. We lived in a junior suite = comfort 12000tg per day. The only thing missing was the hooks in the bathroom for the towels, but we were fine anyway.

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