Стоматологическая клиника «Premier Astana в Nur-Sultan

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КазахстанСтоматологическая клиника «Premier Astana



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16, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly Avenue, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 68 08 66
Веб-сайт: premier-astana.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1412308, Longitude: 71.4841565

Комментарии 5

  • Нурбиби Тлеубергенова

    Нурбиби Тлеубергенова


    I am very glad that once upon a recommendation I turned to this dentistry and was satisfied with the choice!

  • Самал Жунусбекова

    Самал Жунусбекова


    I live in Nur-Sultan. In 2020, I decided to install implants. I looked at several clinics and private practitioners. I stopped at Premier Astana (Momyshuly, 16) and did not regret it. Lovely staff starting from the reception. In this clinic, I re-treated teeth for future crowns with Aigul Kulataevna. I am very happy with her work and her approach. And to the implantologist Azamat Magzhanovich I can sing endless praises))). Seven implants (!) Were implanted from above and below, on the right and on the left, and everything is fine. And most importantly, without pain and without discomfort in the process of engraftment. And this is a time interval from two months to six months, depending on the complexity and location of the tooth. Now I smile without hesitation. I know that now I have a beautiful smile.

  • Алма Ссс

    Алма Ссс


    Yesterday I called and asked if you would do a 3D CT, and the girl at the reception said "no". For God's sake, please hire someone who speaks Kazakh.

  • Марьям Умарова

    Марьям Умарова


    Since childhood, all teeth are stained, this is such a disease of fluorosis, whoever is familiar, he knows what kind of torment it is. And I thought about veneers. I decided to put it in the same place where I usually treat my teeth, i.e. in this clinic, I am completely satisfied with the doctors. I will have to go to the doctor often, so I was glad to be working nearby. It took me about a month to complete everything. They put ceramics. They prepared me very thoroughly, took pictures. There was no need to go anywhere, everything is in the clinic. Veneers look super! Trust me, it's worth it. I strongly advise the doctor Yerlan Akhmetov, if there is a choice to put or not to put veneers, I will definitely answer!

  • Зарина Амиржанова

    Зарина Амиржанова


    Wonderful orthopedist Erlan Kemerbulatovich Akhmetov in Premier Astana! I went for a long time, choosing dentistry and a doctor. Lucky for him - a real professional and a good person, which you rarely see. I highly recommend both the clinic and the doctor!

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