Zashchitinskaya Zheleznodorozhnaya Bol'nitsa в Ust'-Kamenogorsk

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




КазахстанZashchitinskaya Zheleznodorozhnaya Bol'nitsa



🕗 время открытия

2H57+QCF, Ust'-Kamenogorsk 070000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7232 50 28 57
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.0094253, Longitude: 82.5635333

Комментарии 5

  • Светлана Лебедева

    Светлана Лебедева


    Olga Vasilievna Bublikova, paramedic of the screening room at the Zashchitinskaya railway polyclinic, works very attentively to patients, she feels like a professional in her field, God grant her good health and success in her work !!!

  • Евгения Воронкина

    Евгения Воронкина


    The terrible attitude of dentistry does not warn about the fact that there will be no admission, then the tools are being repaired, then the doctor did not come out. You will come to them for an hour, you will sit before the reception, you go in due time, and they answer that there will be no reception. In general, they should ring up on good terms and warn people not to go there.

  • Наталья Ищенко

    Наталья Ищенко


    Hello, I turned to the polyclinic about the medical withdrawal, the young doctor of the site, without even looking at the diagnosis, sends me to a paid allergist and to the VKK commission. I tried to convey to her the seriousness of visiting an allergist. But she didn’t want to listen to me. I had to file a complaint with the health department. 4 days after contacting me, they called me from the clinic, invited me to come. A very polite doctor came to another room there, figured out everything and made me a certificate.

  • Sergey Tatarnikov

    Sergey Tatarnikov


    Received the card quickly. Nobody was rude. True, for about 20 minutes I was looking for an office that turned out to be on the first floor in the most secret place

  • Юлия Якушева

    Юлия Якушева


    The therapist and his nurse mixed up the direction of the tomography (they inserted the wrong code, as the result of the CT scan of the wrong organs) I did not hear an apology, but only accusations that I did not CHECK! The head physician said - "Yes, there is nothing terrible with you, SIMPLY A DEFECT, I AM TOGETHER THAT IT IS SUCH LONG EXAMINATION." I believe that this is not a professional approach and there is no place for such people in medicine, and even more so in such positions!

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