Adonis в Karagandy




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52/2, Erubaev Street, 100000, Karagandy, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7212 47 50 60
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.8050732, Longitude: 73.0949059

Комментарии 5

  • Дмитрий IXTYS

    Дмитрий IXTYS


    Not a bad medical facility. Competent, qualified staff. I have been using the services for a very long time. What was especially upsetting was the very rude and indifferent attitude towards customers at the reception! At the end of 2020, it was necessary to pass the m / o. At the reception, they said that they needed certificates not from eGov, but those that cost a lot of money (narcologist and psychiatrist). And in a rude and categorical form. Although in another clinic they accepted free certificates. As if a conspiracy! I do not advise to go there m / o. Itself m / o is cheaper, but the savings on certificates are more impressive !!! I change my rating again, but this time by 1 star. The clinic has completely deteriorated after passing a medical examination: if earlier it was possible to pass in 15 minutes or less, now the time reaches 1 hour and that's not all! You will be asked to wait another 30-40 minutes until the results are submitted ... I do not advise at all to undergo a medical examination in this clinic !!!

  • Olga “TokaOka” Kim

    Olga “TokaOka” Kim


    We used the service of this medical center, since it turned out to be the only one where the ENT doctor received, in other clinics the record was either a month later, or it is not known at all when, due to the absence of a specialist. We were very pleased with the work of the doctor! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts) But it's sad that the interior of the center is so ... dull and shabby (It's hard to believe that this is a private institution, in the city clinic now it is even more comfortable. your building.

  • Сергей Лентовский

    Сергей Лентовский


    Competent, polite and affordable consultation, even by phone !!!

  • natasha9665



    I want to express my heartfelt gratitude from myself, my relatives and my friends to the doctor, dermatologist Krugova Lyubov Vasilievna. This is a very competent, attentive, well-knowing doctor who works in retirement in her place. There would be more of such competent doctors in medicine!

  • Pavel Kuskov

    Pavel Kuskov


    Turned to the ENT specialist, therapist, urologist. Everything is concrete, professional, inexpensive. Compared to Alanda, it’s so cheap. I recommend it to all of mine.

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