Aiya Medical center w Nur-Sultan

KazachstanAiya Medical center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

28, Raqymjan Qoshqarbayev Avenue, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7172 31 25 25
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 51.1258857, Longitude: 71.4784566

komentarze 5

  • Виталий Исмагилов

    Виталий Исмагилов


    All wonderful life!) Excellent modern medical center! Cool in summer and warm in winter. Excellent renovation. Polite front manager. Everything is aesthetically pleasing and clean. The second time I pass the PCR, I like everything. A wide range of medical services. Convenient location, there is parking. I myself will use the services of the center, and I recommend it to you!) Good luck to everyone!)

  • Саида Мухамеджанова

    Саида Мухамеджанова


    An analysis was handed in at Koshkarbayev’s branch, they said it would be ready in 2 days, 3 days had already passed and there were no results. Why reassure people, a person is waiting for hospitalization, but without this analysis they are not accepted in the hospital, it would be better if they did it in another place where people are not deceived. If something happens to a person, who will be to blame? The administration, please understand this? If you say do it in 2 days, answer for your words !!!

  • Руслан Машков

    Руслан Машков


    At Satpayev the organization of the work is nonexistent. Badak. Reception of a cardiologist in a live queue, came second, was the sixth. The cardiologist liked the doctor very much. He is a competent and intelligent specialist. He speaks clearly and on business.

  • Асия Катренова

    Асия Катренова


    Aya honey center on the Rainbow residential complex is a good center, Makarskaya M.G. The gynecologist, reproductive specialist, is an excellent doctor, she helped many of my friends, BUT the girl at the reception spoils the whole impression of the clinic, speaks rudely on the phone, when she visits the doctor she behaves as if uninvited guests come to visit her personally. Rolls his eyes so that they make a turn around the eye sockets and back. Very unpleasant.

  • тамара мамедова

    тамара мамедова


najbliższy Szpital

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