Aktyubinskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr в Ақтөбе

КазахстанAktyubinskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr



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73J6+R6H, Aktobe, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7132 53 42 40
Веб-сайт: aktobemc.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.2820527, Longitude: 57.0606048

Комментарии 5

  • Darya Belova

    Darya Belova


    I was in the emergency department. There are no complaints about the doctors! Nooo average staff to drive away! After the operation (appendicitis), they brought me to the ward, it was very painful. She screamed, called the nurse to make an anesthetic NOO, NONE OF THEM HEARED MY SCREAMS! As a result, I received pain relievers only at 9 am (they did the operation at night)! The most disgusting thing is that the nurse is not suitable when asked. Until you say that someone is crying, they will not work! The worst thing that can happen in a hospital is the ROOT ATTITUDE TO YOUR WORK! On the third day after the operation, I had a pain in the lower abdomen in the left area (pain from the drainage), it was three o'clock in the morning. I left the ward, wanted to ask for painkillers and VOILAYAYA: the nurse slept on the couches. Can you imagine? In the emergency department, the nurses are sleeping🤦‍♀️ NO WORDS, ONE EMOTIONS

  • Салтанат Утепбергенова

    Салтанат Утепбергенова


    The staff in the maternity ward in the pharmacist is just super. They treat you like a loved one 👍

  • Жанна Джанабергенова

    Жанна Джанабергенова


    Why leave the number if you don't get through!? PCR test is done for 3 days! Disgusting

  • Наталья Николаевна

    Наталья Николаевна


    Super-professionals work in the department of neurosurgery, headed by Uzganov Yerzhan Esengeldinovich! She was operated on by him personally in December 2018, a doctor from God and just a wonderful person! After the accident, I visited various medical institutions, including Astana and Shymkent, and there is something to compare with. In terms of everyday life, there are a number of nuances, but this is not important. The most important thing is the composition of the staff. Here he is just wonderful! Starting from nurses and ending with the head of the department. I do not want anyone to go to the hospital, but if this happens, in neurosurgery you will be provided with highly qualified assistance and will help you to fully recover!

  • Ая Мая

    Ая Мая


    some nurses (I do not know the name) address patients very badly. After the operations. ursyp, zhulkylap, fastman kelgend kabyldagan nurse and she generally injected beretin kezde "auyrtat, aikailamanyz kazr" dep. The psychological is so wrong. the same. I have 18, for me after the operation the Bolgan situation is generally ... no words even I want to thank my doctor and Clara Apaga (meds) dep: Surgery.

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