Анвар i Aktobe




🕗 åbningstider

Дом мангилик ел Батыс 2, Aktobe, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7
internet side: www.anvar.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.2689452, Longitude: 57.1413872

kommentar 5

  • Абзал Тильмагамбетов

    Абзал Тильмагамбетов


    Every day I shop here. Cheaper than Hyper D

  • Ботакоз мергенбаева Zom

    Ботакоз мергенбаева Zom


    Large parking, large assortment of goods!

  • Karlygash Utegenova

    Karlygash Utegenova


    As always, there are a million cashiers, but only one or two are cashiers The assortment is not that big I was looking for granulated tea, in the end there is very little choice There were mainly packaged teas I got grilled chicken. It turned out to be sooo tasty and juicy. I was looking for a sauce for him, they said there was no such thing. But later, as it turned out, it was not necessary. As I wrote above, it was juicy. Yes, and I apparently came at that moment when they had just been taken out of the oven, so to speak))) I was looking for a gift bag, again there is little choice. There were only smaller ones. Overall, a small supermarket, bright, clean. There is a parking lot. I give three stars, with a deduction due to the number of cashiers and assortment

  • Maira Ibraimova

    Maira Ibraimova


    I liked it very much. I got everything I need. The assortment is huge, neat everywhere.

  • Kuanysh BAYBAKTY

    Kuanysh BAYBAKTY


    good shop. cheaper than others. The food you need to try, among them are expired ones.

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