Ao Shinkhan Bank Kazakhstan в Almaty

КазахстанAo Shinkhan Bank Kazakhstan



🕗 время открытия

38, Dostyk Avenue, 050020, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 727 356 9601
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2522164, Longitude: 76.9568789

Комментарии 5

  • Аннель Ишкуллаева

    Аннель Ишкуллаева


    The manager was terrible, they considered the loan application for a month, while he asked me to throw off a new certificate of encumbrance and some other documents, I threw it off immediately, called to make sure that he saw them. This was the last stage. More than a week passes, I ask, well, where is the result, he again demands the same documents, I forgot that I had already thrown them off 🤦‍♀️ I don’t even know how to call it! And internet banking is just a separate topic - if you want to transfer money to a card from a deposit, you enter SMS, but SMS will not be accepted! It just does not accept and that's it! You sit for hours and hours to transfer your money! A month has passed and the same thing, we still have not established the acceptance of our own SMS! Never again will I keep my money in this bank !!!

  • Рома РОСА

    Рома РОСА


    I agree with the previous reviews, but today it is impossible to call any of the indicated numbers. For some reason, there is no address of the branch, which is on Auezov, if you google Shinhan Bank To pay the loan, you must definitely come yourself, be physically present, there is no application, and if there is, you will not know! 4 waited to pay off the loan for Auezov and constantly the department is empty, but the cashier is away somewhere. You don't wait long, but not much pleasant. With great respect for the staff and for the bank in general, but I put the unit. I couldn't get through, I had to go.

  • Ruslan Bakiyev

    Ruslan Bakiyev


    Excellent conditions for transferring to South Korea, I solved the constant problem of sending money.

  • Sanzhar Olzhaev

    Sanzhar Olzhaev


    Favorable loan throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Alex Dark

    Alex Dark


    An excellent home bank. Particularly pleased with the absence of any meaningless commissions, including for legal entities. Due to a small number of clients, you can count on an individual approach.

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