Asmedek в Ust'-Kamenogorsk




🕗 время открытия

33, Ulitsa Voroshilova, 070000, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7232 91 01 66
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.9652087, Longitude: 82.6213636

Комментарии 5

  • Silva Silva

    Silva Silva


    Great clinic, great service, the best specialists!

  • Евгения Прокопьева

    Евгения Прокопьева


    In this clinic, unfortunately, I had to undergo an annual medical check-up. I encountered here rudeness, rudeness, humiliation, from the very beginning, at the reception, then narrow specialists, I was simply shocked: ENT doctor, dentist and even the director himself Kopotilov A.V., it feels like they either visited places not so distant or they had a difficult childhood. I (literally) "shut your mouth", when I asked why he was talking to me like that, he rudely told me (literally) "I said shut up." of course it's just awful !!!!! I don't even want to go there anymore !!!!!! now how can he heal someone, he just ditch, I do not advise anyone to go there !!!!

  • Voldemar Detochkin

    Voldemar Detochkin


    Excellent medical center. Modern equipment. Competent doctors and courteous staff.

  • Ольга Ковалёва

    Ольга Ковалёва


    Unfortunately I ran into one of the cases of ordinary rudeness. I came earlier than 8.00 because of the need to be earlier at my work due to production needs. She asked me to politely enter my position and write two lines in the application for transfer to another unit, since the doctor was there, but instead of a polite refusal, they just shouted at me and made it clear that they had the worst attitude towards human patients. The doctor was rude and shouted, I just couldn't understand what caused such anger, because I just politely asked. You can play anyone out of yourself in the workplace, if your upbringing allows it, but it is so important, first of all, to remain human! So rudeness is unpleasant

  • Vera Orlova

    Vera Orlova


    Aunt was at the reception of the cardiologist Kopotilova, and was very pleased. Thank you for the attentive, competent specialists who are ready to explain to the frightened patient the nature of his problems. Everything was clearly explained, recommendations were given, and most importantly, the aunt calmed down. I am writing a review at the request of my aunt. Thanks you.

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