Astam Inn w Qostanaý

KazachstanAstam Inn


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

112, Vysokaya Street, 110000, Qostanaý, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 776 090 1717
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 53.2409306, Longitude: 63.6217869

komentarze 5

  • Aigul Altynsarina

    Aigul Altynsarina


    Everything is clean, neat, but there is nothing special to brag about. Breakfast is the maximum minimalism, meager, the carpet in the room would not hurt to wash, for some reason they threw a parallon on the mattress of the bed, the junior suite is more like an economy,

  • Бахыт Байболов

    Бахыт Байболов


    Everything is fine, the price-quality format suits, but there is a smoking room on the second floor! From there it draws smoke around the clock, although the ventilation is automatically turned on. Another request, include different cereals in breakfast, it would be better with dried fruits and nuts.)) Thanks! Prosperity to you !!

  • Юлия Сергеевна

    Юлия Сергеевна


    I advise everyone. Clean bed linen, slippers, a set of towels. Not expensive. There is a cozy cafe on the ground floor. The girls are friendly administrators, always ready to help in any question. In general, everything is super. The prosperity of your hotel and good and non-harmful guests.

  • Oksana Frolova

    Oksana Frolova


    Hello. I was on a business trip to Kostanay and stayed at your hotel for more than 10 days. I liked everything very much. The facade is just a fairy tale, the hotel is also beautiful, And your breakfasts are delicious. I would like to thank the staff, all friendly, welcoming (especially I would like to thank the girl Julia) she picked me up the best room. The rooms are clean and cozy. Generally 5 out of 5. Well done! More grateful guests for you.

  • Unataya



    Great hotel! Price-performance ratio is fully consistent. Quiet and cozy place. Clean and comfortable rooms. There are breakfasts. Tasty, you won't stay hungry for sure. Friendly staff and communication with the reception desk 24/7, if you suddenly have any questions. All in all, the perfect place to stop and really relax. Thanks for work!

najbliższy Kwatera

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