Boutique Hotel Kaspi в Temirtau

КазахстанBoutique Hotel Kaspi


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126/7, 8 Mikrorayon, 104410, Temirtau, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.0466329, Longitude: 72.9416249

Комментарии 5

  • Marko Duono

    Marko Duono


    Fresh and new place. Kitchen is the best one in Temirtau. No doubt its #1 But your front desk guys need training how to behave, how to speak with guest. Now service is horrible. Very rude guy at the reception. Please teach him how to talk with guest and by phone as well. Please educate the staff on the service. It's a pity to see how a new, fresh place is killed by untrained, unmotivated, rude staff. It was very very not pleasant how they communicate at the reception as if he was forced to stand there. nasty guy

  • Aliaksei Sporyk

    Aliaksei Sporyk


    Best outdoor restaurant experience in town

  • awd - stan

    awd - stan


    Overall, I liked it. Luxurious interior, luxurious furniture, delicious restaurant, helpful staff, good SPA center and fragrant tea, quiet area. But there are little shortcomings in terms of: 1) The staff who got confused with the booked room. 2) During a pandemic, it is advisable to put liquid soap in the rooms. 3) There is no bar in the room / empty. 4) Very modest breakfast for the room rate. 5) In the hamam, due to the lack of a sign, women constantly enter the men's locker room. 6) The room was not cleaned very well, there was a dirty floor in the shower room.

  • Сергей Фалеев

    Сергей Фалеев


    I liked the hotel very much. Lived for several days in a suite. The hotel is new. The room is very spacious. Double bed + convertible large sofa, kettle, refrigerator. The room is divided into 2 zones - guest and bedroom. Each zone has a TV. The fitness and spa center deserves a separate assessment. The gym is well equipped, sauna, hammam, massage. In my case, a daily one-time visit was included in the room rate. There is a restaurant at the hotel where the food is delicious. The staff is friendly and polite, ready to help with any questions. Cozyly furnished area at the hotel. The disadvantages are unstable wifi and monotonous breakfast, which is included in the price. A choice of either 3 types of porridge, or scrambled eggs with sausages. In general, the hotel is excellent, if I am in Temirtau, I will stay here again.

  • Антон Ивкин

    Антон Ивкин


    Very polite staff. They will advise you on the dishes and answer all your questions. Everything is delicious but there are dishes for everyone. Check from 14,000 for two. The bar is gorgeous. The only thing but this is a small menu. The breakfasts are gorgeous, lemonade is just a bomb))) I recommend at least once, my wife and I do not go there often, but if there is an opportunity, we definitely go there. In my opinion, the best institution in the city of Temirtau. Especially favorite is the restaurant manager, a cool woman, a professional who knows her business completely.

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