Dent-Lux в Nur-Sultan




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12, Qazhymuqan Munaytpasov Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 69 63 33
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1535377, Longitude: 71.4676818

Комментарии 5

  • Багдагуль Бекбосунова

    Багдагуль Бекбосунова


    I would like to express my gratitude to the clinic staff! Very friendly, attentive to the patient! Separate thanks to Dr. Dauletbaeva A.D.! To all of you and your families, health and prosperity!

  • Байкадамова Карлыгаш

    Байкадамова Карлыгаш


    She was treated by a doctor Ainura Dosymovna. The doctor helped cure my teeth. Thank you, now only to you.

  • Артём Стенищев

    Артём Стенищев


    I have done teeth here more than once! A little expensive, but the result is worth it! Service 5+ Working Papers 5+ Workers whom I already recognized there 5+ For those who value Quality and Service, I advise you to contact this clinic!

  • Айдос Каграманов

    Айдос Каграманов


    Dear citizens - compatriots residents of Kazakhstan, a tip written by a local is 100% true! The management of Dent-Lux in an impudent way tries to hush up the issue of severely injured human health. Since they refused to admit guilt, we are going to go to court. Details of the case you will soon become known in the media. For now bypass the Dent-Lux party!

  • Местный Житель

    Местный Житель


    A horrible clinic with terrible doctors! I was spoiled 4 molars, ruined life and health! Here is my story ... Doctors Dent-Lux during the initial consultation, for the purpose of profit, deliberately misled me and imposed a completely unnecessary treatment, saying while we are treating only this way, or in any way at all! At that point in time, I believed them on the word, because could not even imagine that doctors can so deceive, putting the interests of their pockets, much higher than the health of the client. Further, it pains me to remember that my doctors did Dent-Lux, namely: they removed nerves on 4 molars; inserted 4 anchor metal fonts in the roots of the molars, ostensibly to strengthen the teeth (in fact, the pins were placed incorrectly, that is, on the upper crown part of the tooth, and they do not perform the function of strengthening the teeth); after the installation of the pins, all 4 molars were strongly reworked (only thin rootlets were left), while the doctor could not even remove the parallels for the installation of the bridge structure (crown); on one molar tooth the doctors left me part of the broken instrument, and on the other molar tooth, the doctors did not completely remove the nerve, and silently sealed it, I was not notified of this; with the aim of hiding their wrong treatment, the "doctors" intentionally spoiled my aiming paid shot, made in their own clinic; before treatment, I showed them two 3D pictures with a more detailed description made in another clinic, but the doctors of Dent-Lux brazenly began to refuse that they even saw the pictures, etc. As a result: due to unbearable and incessant pains, I had to remove one of the four spoiled teeth! The remaining molars are in a deplorable state. He applied to the head of the "doctor" of the network of clinics Dent-Lux Gabdullina Marina Vladimirovna, but instead of trying to sort out justice, she only gloated, grinned and tried in every possible way to protect her grief "doctors"! Moreover, with a statement over the past couple of years, I have addressed several times, but they are always looking for an excuse not to consider it, and at the same time, doing everything possible to "cover up" this topic. The department for "quality control" in Dent-Lux exists only for a tick and does not perform the proper functions. The department does not answer calls, or they drop the phone, call the "call center", the application is allegedly registered, but there are no retaliatory measures, you ask them to join the leadership, they refuse! Complete lawlessness, they do what they want with their clients, but they do not want to answer for the quality and results of the treatment! Chief doctor Gabdullina Marina Vladimirovna is not a doctor at all, but a ruthless and unscrupulous person who lacks feelings of compassion and justice! During the dialogue with the client, he prefers not to get into the essence of the problem, but simply to pander over! Apparently, the leadership of Dent-Lux specifically for such people to the post of head physicians selects that they primarily work for their pocket, and not for the benefit of the health of the population! Dear citizens, if your health is dear to you, as well as your time, nerves and money, then bypass Gabdullin Marina Vladimirovna, and her grief "doctors" side! I was very badly injured by the doctors of the Dent-Lux clinic !!! I will not advise their enemies! PS: To avoid responsibility and "otmazatsya," the leadership of Dent-Lux in the person of President Glukhova Nadezhda Borisovna and the head of the "doctor" Gabdullina Marina Vladimirovna, each time under a fictitious pretext, they ask me for some data, although I have already provided them with all the necessary information pictures and repeatedly explained everything, and this is more than enough to take appropriate measures. There would be a desire ... Here they once again asked for something, the lizhskogo stretch out time, so that's such a mean way to "hush up" this issue. All this on their part is a planned game for the public! Despite the fact that all the facts are on the face, they do not want to admit their guilt! Such hypocrites and unscrupulous people head this clinic, what then to speak about usual doctors of Dent-Lux working in different cities of the country - they have someone to equal!

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