Empire City в Karaganda

КазахстанEmpire City



🕗 время открытия

28/3, Universitet Street, 100022, Karaganda, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 778 709 6229
Веб-сайт: e-c.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.7728639, Longitude: 73.1243754

Комментарии 5

  • Sergey Prislopski

    Sergey Prislopski


    It was necessary to live on a business trip closer to KarSU. This hotel came up with this criterion. It is not possible to book on booking.com. OK. Paid on the spot. The first thing that surprises is that you need to use a narrow staircase to get to the reception to the third floor without an elevator with a suitcase. The staff is friendly, I really liked the attitude and willingness to help, which is why three stars, not two. I went into the room and what do I see? Price list for damage to property. Oh, yes, this is not the first thing a client should see when entering a room. Lights in the hallway and in the bathroom are flashing. I thought I'd get used to it. No, it was very annoying and annoying. The living area meets expectations. But here's the bathroom ... The bath has seen the sights, turned yellow and rubbed. It was time to replace the cranes a few years ago. And here is the cherry on the cake - a shower head. Water pours not only on me, but also to the side, on the floor. I had to pinch the hole with my hand so as not to make a flood. Breakfast à la carte, not buffet. You have to wait 20 minutes, you need to take this into account. The preparation is simple, but delicious.

  • Faris Farris

    Faris Farris


    Was good

  • Valdiney oliveira

    Valdiney oliveira


    Good food and beer

  • Anthony Gonzalez

    Anthony Gonzalez


    The Karaoke Club is very good and decent prices. BEWARE OF EMPIRE PUB. The waitresses are very rude to foreigners. They thought I did not understand Russian and believed it was OK to start speaking about me.

  • Rustemkhan Zharkeyev

    Rustemkhan Zharkeyev


    Only two tables nad place is not so big. But overall good place to go

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