Express-Cafe Tri Samuraya в Aktobe

КазахстанExpress-Cafe Tri Samuraya



🕗 время открытия

58/2, Abulkhair-Khan Avenue, 030000, Aktobe, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 775 025 3030
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.2885897, Longitude: 57.1630572

Комментарии 5

  • Далила 12.10

    Далила 12.10


    11/16/2021 We bought rolls, the sauce was spread all over the container lid. The sushi themselves were carelessly collected, falling apart, and not yet shared !!! Please pay attention. It is a pity that the quality has decreased, and the attitude towards REGULAR CUSTOMERS leaves much to be desired. By the way, on Instagram I have to write a negative review several times, since it is easier for the administration to delete my comment than to understand the situation and at least apologize ... When asked questions to employees, I was ignored and tried to convince otherwise that "there is no problem"

  • Nissa Akemi

    Nissa Akemi


    Delicious food but takes a long time to cook due to delivery orders

  • Zhadyra Burumbayeva

    Zhadyra Burumbayeva



  • Adiya Bulat

    Adiya Bulat


    Honestly, always was the patron of the Three Samurai Already like 4 years old, do something with your dressing room🤦🏻‍♀️ (Whoever goes there will understand, you either put the toilet down, or let the floor toilet down from the podium) But even this could have closed my eyes, this time I was upset by everything. What is the taste of nuggets, why are they watery, made as if not from fillets but from minced chicken ?! The taste of my favorite rolls of “Anti-Tiger” is not at all the same as before, and the rest of “Hot Set” is simply not tasty😢 Why did they remove the milk oolong from the menu ?! Menus changed, prices rose and the taste became worse стал Change cooks to the same Regarding the service, there are no complaints, sorry for the money left (there are some competitors nearby that are 2 times cheaper and tastier) But this time they decided to visit the good old “Three Samurai” and were disappointed Let us return now not soon🤨 Date 01.07.19g time around 14:00

  • Azat Zhaulbayev

    Azat Zhaulbayev


    Quiet place. There are a variety of discounts. Rolls for every taste. You can watch the cooking. There is a delivery, but it is better to come by yourself if you live not so far away, because may linger for more than an hour.

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