Filial Narodnogo Banka в Ust'-Kamenogorsk

КазахстанFilial Narodnogo Banka



🕗 время открытия

64 г, Ulitsa Kazakhstan, 070004, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 800 080-00-59
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.9453508, Longitude: 82.626998

Комментарии 5

  • Александр Воронов

    Александр Воронов


    This is probably the worst bank ever! Everything in one place, from services and maintenance to applications and ATMs. Everything is processed very slowly and for a long time, it’s elementary to transfer money to another person’s card through the terminal, from you, past the Inn, they require the phone number of this subscriber in order to send him an SMS and his card number ... this is some kind of nonsense! In the same Kaspi, it is enough to enter one Inn. Their own clients are denied loans and mortgages, moreover, under a single program of Kazakhstan, while other banks give them without problems on the same conditions. We applied for a mortgage for exactly 5 hours and then waited 3 days for a decision from the bank, in the end they were refused for an unknown reason ... They immediately gave the documents to Sberbank, we got a call back exactly an hour later, with approval! True, the apartment has already been sold to others during this time! Here is the state bank.

  • IGOR



    Very slowly perform work, as in most branches. It is necessary to reconsider the approach to the selection of personnel. It is very similar to the work of mail workers, who serve about the same length of time. This seems to be due to the fact that elementary typing speed and agility suffers.

  • Renat Mansurov (3DMart)

    Renat Mansurov (3DMart)


    savings bank of the USSR. queue. lack of service. all through one place. after the merger with the kazkom, they arbitrarily put a limit on the card and changed the code word without my participation. to withdraw money you need to stand in lines for an hour and a half! service is slow.

  • Максим Панин

    Максим Панин


    Very slow service. I've been sitting here for 1:30 minutes. 30 minutes per person




    The staff works very slowly. I've been out of work for three days now, and I'm still working on the issue of full repayment of my deposit. I come at 10.00 in the morning, take a turn and come back at 13.00 before my turn. I can only use this time interval depending on my work. Then I sit in the bank for 4 hours and come back. What a service center. Please pay attention to this!

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