Gostevoy Dom в Pavlodar

КазахстанGostevoy Dom


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90/1, Tolstoy Street, 140000, Pavlodar, Pavlodar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 705 611 9933
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 52.277148, Longitude: 76.9764576

Комментарии 5

  • Николай Николай

    Николай Николай


    very clean. cheap. but no disposable slippers. no toothbrush and other personalized cleaning products. also in the shower there are no hooks for clothes and towels (towels in the hallway must be left.) and slippers are reusable. no food. no fridge.

  • Куандык Омертай

    Куандык Омертай


    Very good hotel, everything is great and the prices are great, Wi-fi is free, and my son liked it too.

  • Лаура Масалимова

    Лаура Масалимова


    The pairs that came prevented from sleeping, and as a whole everything is very much even at home.

  • Карим Самира

    Карим Самира


    On Saturday, at 8 pm I came to them and took the room, leaving the advance payment because on Saturday everywhere is busy. I warned at the reception that we would be late and take off for a day. They arrived at night and they tell us that at 9 in the morning it will be necessary to vacate the room and that guests call at them in connection with some kind of event, occupy the entire hotel. For some reason, they could not warn us about this or they forgot. We had to look for other options and of course we did not find anything. In general, the hotel is good, clean, comfortable, but there are no bathrobes to go into the smoking room. No mosquito net.

  • TolyaMirazh



    We celebrated the new 2017 at this hotel. Inside the hotel looks quite presentable. We paid 20,000 tenge for four days. We were accommodated in a 9 room on the 2nd floor. The room is spacious, inside there is a comfortable double bed (clean linen), two nightstands, a plasma TV (more than 50 channels, all show perfectly), a table, a wardrobe. A lavatory (shower, toilet, sink) is in the room. Slippers, towels and free toiletries are provided. The room is warm and comfortable, there is hot and cold water. There is no refrigerator. But this did not upset us, we are not picky. He replaced us with a window sill. Room cleaning is daily, which is very pleased. Smoking is prohibited in the rooms; a fire alarm is installed everywhere. For smokers, there is a designated area in the hotel building.

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