Green House в Petropavlovsk

КазахстанGreen House



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130, Mira Street, 150000, Petropavlovsk, Kyzylzhar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 747 252 5258
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.872692, Longitude: 69.13642

Комментарии 5

  • Вероника Рожкова

    Вероника Рожкова





    Hello. We rented a 2-room apartment LUX. On Mira 107 sq. 27. And it would be okay for myself. But we filmed for guests from the city of Shymkent. It was very embarrassing. I'm shocked. The bathroom was not cleaned, apparently for two months. The ventilation (photo below) is overgrown with mud. There was no rug - not yet asked! Then they brought it. No slippers. The floor is cold. There is also no washing powder, freshener and nothing at all in the bathroom. Of the dishes, only a frying pan (dead) and a dirty 3-liter saucepan. But the glasses are sea. 🤭 The refrigerator is old and the ice was hanging on 20 centimes. The washing machine - before the military - they could not show themselves how to use it. Horror. Blanket, only lay in the barn under the animals or cover the potatoes from frost. When I asked, they say, you yourself would take shelter of them? The guy said with disgust - what are you, No, of course! Everything is overgrown with cobwebs and in the end - darkness of cockroaches! My guests are shocked as I am. Do not rent apartments in this center .. I threw the photo to them. Let them see. I'm terrified..

  • Ферапонтов Илья

    Ферапонтов Илья


  • Александра Тимченко

    Александра Тимченко


    They rented an apartment so called. They said to wait a bit, the maid is cleaning up there. From the doorway we were met by a dirty rug, sand on the floor, sticking to our feet. There are scraps of bones in the closet, dried pizza on the windowsill. In the bathroom, the drain is clogged with hair .. in general, catch a well-deserved star.

  • Владимир Страшко

    Владимир Страшко


    Came, removed without any problems. But the people, the apartment, in which there is no balcony, no oven, no stove, or even banal normal dishes and cutlery, simply simply can not cost 7 pieces, the extreme price of 3 thousand. How do I cook my own food? Sills all in traces of cigarettes, although supposedly smoking is prohibited. Well, you can make a sticker on the wall in front of the apartment entrance to remind you, or is it so hard ?? The Internet was full of # pa, because it was not there, so we were given a password from the neighbor, but we can assume that it was not there either. They also boasted that it was after repair, although the hangers were plundered, cables were dangling, hot water taps were installed incorrectly and a lot of other things were piled up. Low bow to you, gentlemen, thank you for sheltering. Catch your well-deserved star.🌟

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