Halyk Bank ATM in Nur-Sultan

KasachstanHalyk Bank ATM



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улица Куйши Дина 31, Этаж 1, Nur-Sultan 020000, Kazakhstan
kontakte telefon: +7 7172 59 14 37
webseite: www.halykbank.kz
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 51.152572, Longitude: 71.486022

kommentare 5

  • Айгуль Ахмедова

    Айгуль Ахмедова


    We express our deep gratitude to the manager of the Astana branch in Kuishi Dina 31 Nurkanova Rosalie. Thanks to her, our opinion about the People's Bank has completely changed. Rosalia is a competent, competent, responsible employee. We had a sea of ​​questions, for each Rosalia gave precise explanations. Thanks! Now we are your regular customers)))

  • Лейла Тыхметова

    Лейла Тыхметова


    Excellent convenient service quickly I am satisfied

  • Enot Enotovich

    Enot Enotovich


    How to say. Bank by bank. I hate places like this there is a constant headache. Because of the smell of documents. Well, it pisses me off personally

  • Рауан



    I don’t know how everyone, but I liked the service. Even in line did not have time to sit. Came for a reissue of the card. Was after 5 in the evening. 5 minutes and that’s it.

  • Зауреш Сарсенбаева

    Зауреш Сарсенбаева


    The working day at exactly 9:00 in the morning began. The consultant on duty in the room was very competent and polite. Managers work fast. All necessary certificates were issued without delay. The consultation received comprehensive.

nächste Bank

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