Halyk Bank в Atyrau

КазахстанHalyk Bank


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4, Qanysh Sätbayev Avenue, Atyrau, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 800 080-00-59
Веб-сайт: halykbank.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.1030224, Longitude: 51.8895246

Комментарии 5

  • Фри Фаер ак

    Фри Фаер ак


    Very good and fast service. Special thanks to the manager Mausymzhan. Customer. Aziz Hope

  • Aidar Zhabassov

    Aidar Zhabassov


    Black spot

  • Юлия Кукавская

    Юлия Кукавская


    A terrible bank, total negligence, unskilled employees, the head of the department does not assist, phones are not raised at all! Do not mess with if you do not want to waste your nerves on them! We regretted 10 times. Where is the management looking? Shut down such a bank to hell!

  • Baha Baimenov

    Baha Baimenov


    Good day! this bank is the most terrible in this world, the order to re-issue my salary card, of course, it is not ready and I was told in the call center that some mistake had happened, they answered rudely and with a favor my questions did not end at the time of the conversation, they already hung up the phone beautiful from the human side. and what do I think about this bank, Halyk, that this bank enjoys its position with the support of the state that you can not be rude to give out or simply treats the client negligently if you look at what is happening in the branches, then this is generally the AD client comes and sits in line for 3 hours he sat in such a queue do I think in a halyk bank that people are recruited according to the criterion of rudeness ????? I honestly want to try to throw a resume there and check after it, of course, I will give a report. Halyk Bank I want to contact you that your bank names have a root that you are a people's bank that you should first of all think about the people, then that you sign organizations forcibly this is a completely different conversation if organizations had a choice from companies that operate on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan then I think they definitely would not work with you!

  • Bagrat Utegenov

    Bagrat Utegenov


    The bank is very small but comfortable. Has got 3 to 4 cashiers open at a time. Ypu can make any kind of payment or transaction in here. Place is not ocercrowded and got electronic queue. I've here almost year ago to make payment for loan, it was good and fast

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