Invivo G Aktau в Aktau

КазахстанInvivo G Aktau


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J5RX+CCH, Aktau, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7292 58 83 83
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.6410622, Longitude: 51.1986055

Комментарии 5

  • Diamond



    They do not answer questions, but they read the fact! Is this how you work? I wanted to know the prices on the analyzes!

  • Арманбек Бисенов

    Арманбек Бисенов


    phones don't work horror zero attention to patients horrible service

  • Manshuk Jampissova

    Manshuk Jampissova


    Just awful. The result came in half. Paid 11,450 tenge. No cholesterol and glucose results. The most important thing is missing! Shameless! I can't get results from them for three days!

  • Zarilifestyle



    In the laboratory, only two people shout among themselves for the entire laboratory from neighboring rooms, unsanitary conditions! There is nowhere to sit. At the reception, test tubes with blood and urine are stored for everyone to see, this is one thing, the surface of the shelf even all this stuff is absolutely not intended for sanitation (drywall covered with emulsion!). The prices are not modest and the conditions are terrible!

  • Лала Атабаева

    Лала Атабаева


    I got through to the number +87787693881. A girl named Jamilya answered. I left a Request for a Callback from the Manager. Hope they call. 09/07/2020 I passed the Analysis: AMG (anti-Müllerian hormone). I want to apply for IVF (extracorporeal fertilization), as I have been diagnosed with obstruction of the fallopian tubes. But before going to the district gynecologist, I decided to find out the state of my eggs and therefore went to the INVIVO Laboratory. Our whole family always hand over Analyzes in this Laboratory. The girl who accepted the Application for my Analysis turned out to be incompetent in this matter, because she asked me ONLY if I had come to NATO. Yesterday, 08.08.2020, I received the Results and showed them to my Gynecologist, and she was STRONGLY SURPRISED BY THE FACT that the employees of INVIVO DO NOT KNOW THIS ANALYSIS IS HANDED ON THE 2ND DAY OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE. Jamila's girlfriend told me that the Laboratory workers did not give SUCH INSTRUCTIONS. Dear Employees of the INVIVO Laboratory, can you imagine what Stress I experienced from the Results of the Analysis ?! I thought that I had a Very Low AMH Level, but it turns out I passed it at the wrong time.

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