Ip Shalkarova R.z. в Nur-Sultan

КазахстанIp Shalkarova R.z.



🕗 время открытия

18, Zheltoqsan Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 99 58 58
Веб-сайт: shalkarova.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1698553, Longitude: 71.4156346

Комментарии 5

  • Никита Несчанский

    Никита Несчанский


    Please correct the phone number is unpleasant to listen to when calling the specified number that it turns out that such a number is not even registered. A person who needs help at the call stage already hears a refusal unpleasantly.

  • Дармина



    I want to thank the doctor Rosa Zamanovna for the competent consultation, I am glad that I came to her and I can avoid unnecessary and lengthy procedures. The only specialist who could show at a glance what the problem is with my bite. Thank you so much!

  • Joy Mack

    Joy Mack


    Surprisingly, almost all “doctors” orthodontists, especially young ones, recommend Roza Zamanovna Shalkarova. They say that she is the best in her area in the city. Apparently, therefore, people travel to Karaganda. If this is the best orthodontist, then it is a pity for all Astana residents. The doctor appreciates his services very highly and catches fear that if you do not undergo treatment for a million, a catastrophe will happen with your jaws. And how do half of England with their teeth survive for centuries, I wonder? She does not hear the patient. Too commercially oriented clinic. You will walk for years and pay endlessly in tridentor. It’s necessary, it’s not necessary, for all the charms of dental services) And even at the end of treatment, I quote Roza Zamanovna: “you will wear the retainers for life.” I do not recommend it.

  • Борис Захарченко

    Борис Захарченко


    Many thanks to Dr. Natalia Viktorovna! An excellent specialist: neat, literate in speech, she will always clearly explain everything and show what exactly she is going to do, discusses the treatment plan and gives a choice. She put braces on me - I wore them for 3 years (the situation was difficult: at first I wore only sapphire top, then metal ones were added to the lower jaw), as a result, all my horror in my mouth was corrected - my teeth were even, the work was done by a specialist enormous. Natalya Viktorovna is a great fellow and a hard worker - she even left the decree and led her patients - it costs a lot, a very responsible person. The clinic as a whole, like many others: everything is clean, neat, the only girls at the reception are always busy and they have no time for you.

  • Вероника Хлыбова

    Вероника Хлыбова


    Excellent dentistry. The first time I turned to them on the advice of another dentist (I needed an orthodontist). I am absolutely satisfied with their work! Only they do not remove their teeth, they are sent to another dentistry.

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