Kazkom в Qostanaý




🕗 время открытия

164, Abay Avenue, 110000, Qostanaý, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7142 58 51 30
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.210013, Longitude: 63.6374346

Комментарии 5

  • Саня Шек

    Саня Шек


    Dear administration, I came to withdraw my money and waited an hour, people stood before me and scolded the service staff too, because depositors were taken out of turn, but it was not in them but in the service system, if it goes on then, I’m not happy with such conditions , change the system.

  • Askar Zhasubiev

    Askar Zhasubiev


    Completed service 5 days I go in a row and cannot close the card

  • Яна Ермакова

    Яна Ермакова


    Usually, when contacting this bank, there were no complaints: everything was fast, the employees were polite, but the last appeal left an unpleasant aftertaste. At first there was confusion with the queue, now it is alive, then according to coupons. Then the most interesting thing began: employees. After communicating with them, I don’t want to contact this bank at all. Absolutely incompetent, in addition to this, it seems that helping the bank's clients is not their job. , of course, they are people too, and so on, but when they talk to you, they don’t really listen, and they roll their eyes, it’s unpleasant. They didn’t understand the situation, didn’t help. I had to solve the issue through the call center.

  • Анастасия , а9лд Аношкина

    Анастасия , а9лд Аношкина


    What a bank, circulation horror. You call the phone, they either knock out or hang up.

  • Symbat Saden

    Symbat Saden


    Not a bank, but hell knows what! Cash desk workers do not understand what they are doing, at the reception there is a girl who does not own the situation at all, they do not know what cash desk is letting go and when! The scoreboard shows one thing, but they work the devil in general which system! They serve one and a half hours, and then when you have stood in the queue for an hour, calmly, without waiting, you have a car wash, and then everyone wakes up! The bank from scandal to scandal lives, and it is a reality!

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