Kazpost в Almaty




🕗 время открытия

24, Suleymenov Street, 050042, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 727 302 6951
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2130757, Longitude: 76.8784294

Комментарии 5

  • Rus Salivan

    Rus Salivan


    The most sloppy department, the operators are constantly not happy, then there are no packages, then there are no envelopes, they are constantly sent to another department, they do not want to work, they constantly confuse the addresses, they will not indicate the house. Especially Saya's girlfriend is always in a bad mood, she is rude to everyone. Please take action

  • Наталья Филиппова

    Наталья Филиппова


    Worse than branch 42 (parcel supermarket), I have not yet seen. A mess in everything. They sit in the phone with their heads buried, you turn to them, they won't even raise their heads! What kind of attitude towards customers is this ?! What kind of rudeness ?! When will normal people work in this department?

  • Anna Slepokurova

    Anna Slepokurova


    The ugliest branch in the whole city. Even the enemies will not wish to visit there. The workers are as arrogant as tanks, rudeness and nebratsvo. Parcels constantly disappear, letters cannot be accepted for sending. Civilization touched all departments except this one. Branch of the Russian Post in Kazakhstan!

  • Шахрух Муминов

    Шахрух Муминов


    Good service

  • Steph Saz

    Steph Saz


    I've always had a bad experience with this particular post office. Not only is the location absolutely horrible, the service is as well. We got a notification a few weeks ago that my parcel arrived, so we went to pick it up but they were unable to locate it each time we went, even though they told us it was logged into their system stating that it was there. I finally got a paper notification today (almost 3 weeks later) and went to pick it up at around 1pm and stood at the counter. We had to ask around before someone told us that the person sitting there was out for lunch, even though there was no lunch break indication on their time schedule. All other personnel refused to help. It wasn't even busy at this time -- probably 10 other customers in the post office so I was just flabbergasted. It really does shock me how unhelpful the people are, and it's not just to me. They really need to step up their customer service and fix the entire place. Shameful!

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